Day 10… 21 Day Challenge

Hebrews 10:36, “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.”

Welcome to Day 10, and I pray you had great Sunday morning worship service.

Can you believe it, just 11 more days to go! We are going full steam ahead. Our focus is clear and hearts are light.


Praise service is excellent devotion time. Just be sure some extra time later at home. How is you personal Bible study going? Choose to spend some time in study today. Watch God open your understanding and teach you how to apply to your life.


On Sunday’s I like to relax and just spend time with my family. However, I do take time for myself in the evenings. I like to do a 30 min walking video. However, you can find whatever physical activity you enjoy. Just don’t allow the need to exercise eclipse time with your loved ones. Remember, we are striving for balance.

Healthy Eating:

Today’s eating challenge is to select a healthy meal that your family will enjoy. Not an easy task. But also not an impossible task either. Choose grilled or baked over fried. Incorporated vegetables. Leafy greens if possible, select whole wheat breads or no bread at all. Opt water over sugary drinks. If you do want a drink. Try to find something that is low in sugar. Most importantly – have fun preparing your meal. Or if you are eating out, select a restaurant that serves the types of foods that meet your requirements.

Happy eating.

Have a blessed Sunday!!

Day 9… 21 Day Challenge

Psalms 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Happy Saturday – Welcome to day 9 of our challenge. It don’t know about you, but it is storming here in North Carolina. So outside exercise activities today. But we will not let the rain stop us from hitting our daily goals.

It is a perfect day to gather with friends and family. We need one another. As you gather together take the time to share with them the goals of our challenge. You never know, you may inspire them to pursue balance (a healthy lifestyle) too.

We gather strength from one another. You would be surprised about the experience some have had. You may learn something that will help you over a hurdle. Likewise, you may have tools to help someone overcome issues too. Yes, we need one another and we should not be ashamed to share our testimony.


Today, let’s make a point to testify and witness to those God has placed on our hearts. You may say something that will turn everything around for them.


Because of the weather, I would recommend a nice indoor workout. But do whatever feels natural for you too. Just remember to move your body effectively. 20-30 minute workout that increases your heart rate for at least 15 mins continuously before your cool down. Enjoy!

Healthy Eating:

Today – Turkey Tacos

Happy eating and have a great day!!

Day 8… 21 Day Challenge

Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Happy Day 8 everyone!!

In everything we do, as believers, we must begin from a foundation of faith. We seek God before we start anything new. We should seek God before undertaking our daily tasks and activities. Then we operate from a foundation of faith, and trust that the God we serve will receive the glory from our efforts. That is why when accolades come we point back to God.

It is our goal to please God. This is an impossible task if we don’t operate in faith. That is why the scriptures also says “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). But God is faithful. He has given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). We all have faith and we are all required to live by it.

It is for this reason that I trust we can all have a successful challenge. We can all make the changes needed to achieve and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. But we cannot make lasting change without God! We must not only “include” God in the process. The process must revolve around God. He is our compass. He gives us direction and helps us to make choices that are right for us individually.


Today, let us seek God’s help and direction. We want to be specific. Hopefully, as a part of your preparation before heading into this challenge I hope you sought the Lord trough prayer. If you did not, them let us all seek him regarding the second week of this challenge. What are your goals? What benefits are you hoping to experience? Let us seek God for those things, if you need strength to make it all the through, ask for thar. If you need help on what healthy eating is for you, ask about that. Let’s move in faith, so we can please him.


Walking on a treadmill is an excellent we to move. Bikes and elliptical machines are great too. If you have a gym or YMCA membership this is some that is easy and challenging. If you do not belong to a gym, I recommend doing a “walk at home” video instead. Search on YouTube. You will love it. Remember 20-30 minutes is our goal.

Healthy Eating:

Please share your recipe ideas and any comments, questions or concerns. Our email is, or comment below.

Have an excellent Friday!!

Day 7… 21 Day Challenge

James 1:2-4,My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

Welcome to day 7 of our challenge! A full week today, with just 2 more to go.

Do you feel more health conscious? Are you experiencing a closer walk with God? If not, keep going it does get better, and you will be stronger because of it.

I was outside enjoying the warm weather and began to think of the Goodness of God. I appreciate the way God uses the simplest things to make us recognize and appreciate him!

Jumping into our day with both feet – let us focus a little more on God today.


Pick your favorite worship or paise song. Begin to sing it and really think about the words of the song. Picture just how God is that, has done that, etc. really put yourself in the song. The words seem to have a greater meaning when we view them through the lens of our life.

Now give God praise! And don’t be afraid to allow that praise to organically transition to worship. For God is that good!


I know many people love to go to the gym. My husband goes 5 days a week, and that is fine. For me, I enjoy being outdoors. I like physical activity that involves being in the sun. What is your preference? While the weather continues to be nice, choose some physical activities that cane be done outside. Is your stationary bike or treadmill mobile? Consider moving it in an area that will allow you to enjoy the sun.

Whatever you choose don’t forget to spend at least 30 minutes getting fit!

Healthy Eating:

Whatever you decide to eat today, consider your body, your health, and enjoy.

Don’t forget to email me at Or comment below.

Have a blessed day.

Day 6… 21 Day Challenge

Luke 21:19, “In your patience possess ye your souls.”

Hello Family! We are at the end of Day 6. I hope you are enjoying the challenge as much as I am.

I pray that your mind is filled with the goodness of God daily. I pray that you have more energy and are inspired to stretch yourself to achieve.

Here is a mindfulness exercise.

Walk back through your day. Consider how your energy level. Have you noticed an improvement? Do you see areas where you can add more effort?

Consider the food you have consumed today. Do you feel you made healthy choices? Can you remember your vegetable choices? Did you enjoy eating them? Did you feel weighed down? Or was there a lightness to your day?

Consider the time spent with the Lord. Are you satisfied with the quality of the experience? Some say you need to have a certain amount of time – and that is a good idea. However, I do go for quality over quantity. Did you touch God? Did you bask in his presence?

If you are satisfied with you efforts, then it was indeed a great day.

If you feel you missed the mark on a few things, that’s okay. Now you are aware of where you can make improvements.

Remember it is all about balance.

Keep pushing. Keep pursuing God. Keep seeking healthy foods – find recipes you will enjoy. Try new foods.

Tomorrow is day 7, we are going to crush it!!

Have a great night.

Day 5 … 21 Day Challenge

Isaiah 62:6-7, “ I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest,
till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Happy Tuesday!

I trust that you are all still hanging in there. It does get easier and you are building habits that will positively impact your life.

Remember we are playing the long game, not looking at short term. Our goal it to position ourselves so that we are always ready to do God’s will.

As they say, if you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready. 😊


Today we want to take time to pray for healing. Especially for those who have reached a point of desperation. A point where a person can fall prey to the unscrupulous.

We want to pray that God not only heals in whatever way is needed, but that he will also protect the vulnerable. God is able, and he is willing. We just need to encourage his people to step out on faith. To trust God for what seems impossible.

Just like the woman with the issue of blood. She had to encourage herself and speak within herself- “For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.Mark 5:28. Her desperation attached to her caused her to wholeheartedly pursue her miracle. She received just what she needed from God.

However, there are some who are desperate, but lack faith. They lack the faith to pursue God relentlessly to receive their miracle. Instead, their desperation moves them to go after relief anyway they can.

We need to be that watchman on the wall, praying for them. we must relentlessly pursue God for them.


Today, do something fun that you enjoy, such as a bike ride, swimming, jump rope, or running (if that is your cup of tea). Whatever it is, go outside and move. Find a physical activity that will increase your heart rate and provide natural stress relief.

Remember to wear your hat, sunglasses and sunblock to protect yourself.

20-30 minutes is our starting goal. However, feel free to over achieve and increase that time.

Healthy Eating:

If you have not noticed by now, I love I can go there and find quick, easy, and delicious recipes. Here is a simple one…

Who said it was hard to eat healthy? 😎

Have a great day 5.

See you tomorrow!

Day 4 …21 Day Challenge

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me.”

Hey there OTP family!! How ways your day 4 of the challenge?

Many people think change is heard or nearly impossible. I can honestly say or is VERY challenging. To change your old habits and develop new ones takes patience, courage, perseverance, and strength. But not our own strength. We must rely on God to helps us make lasting change.

2 Corinthians 5:17, reminds us that God is all about change. When he saves us, he delivers us from what we used to be and brings us into a state of righteousness. He is all about helping us make changes that bring glory to his name.

So don’t give up on your progress. Even on those days where you may have missed the mark in your devotion, exercise and healthy eating, get back up and dust yourself off. Keep trying – you will succeed.

Keep Philippians 4:13, on you mind, your lips and in your heart. Repeat it to your self and be encouraged to press on.


Do a small Bible study before you go to bed. Grab a note book, a reference Bible, a dictionary, and your favorite worship music. Choose a chapter of your favorite book (I recommend James), and study. Don’t forget to start with prayer. Run references and take notes.


I love to search YouTube for different workout or walk videos. Things that I can do from home. Find a room with some space, find a video that interests you, and get moving. Remember our goal is to move for 20-30 minutes daily.

Healthy Eating:

Be courageous. Find interesting recipes that utilizes ingredients you do not normally eat. Make your meal an event. I found the following recipe on

Whatever you choose to eat, I hope you enjoy.

We are heading into day 5 with a great attitude!!

Day 3…21 Day Challenge

1 Corinthians 15:51, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

Happy Sunday!! It is Day 3 of our challenge. And no, we are not allowed a day off because it is Sunday.

Here are my recommendations for the day:


Get involved. Fully engage in your church’s worship service. Close your eye and really sing praises unto God. Go into a deeper place of worship than you normally do. I am sure you have heard “you get out what you put in”, and this is so very true. Pour out all you have to God, so he can replenish your reserves. Really pay attention to the preaches word, takes notes so you go over them later. Ask God to open your understanding to his word to a greater degree. Apply that word to your life.


Take a nice walk with your family. Spend 20-30 minutes out doors appreciating God’s goodness. A nice brisk walk to move your body, to wake up your joints and bones. To increase your heart rate and keep it there for at learn15 minutes. Then a normal walk speed to allow heart rate to go back to normal.

Healthy meal:

If you are anything like me, you don’t like to cook on Sunday’s. Select a restaurant that offers healthy food options and enjoy. Select a meal that you find appetizing, but one that is also healthy. Don’t over eat, but enjoy a healthy serving. Remember you do not need to clean your whole plate, but eat enough to be satisfied. Avoid the “stuffed” feeling altogether.

As you wind down for the day, take some time to meditate on the morning message. Take a moment to read and meditate on todays scripture 1 Corinthians 15:58. Ask God to reveal himself to you to a greater day.

Remember, our goal is to find our balance. A healthy relationship with God, with food and with our bodies. Once we have achieved this balance, we are in the right position to accomplish the will of God for our lives.

Have a blessed day!