You Are Stronger Than You Think.

Matthew 4:1-11

OTP Family, today I want to share the morning message from Pastor Kyle Adams.

Remember in those times when you are feeling weak and are looking for someone to help you, know that you are stronger than you think.

Temptation: enticement to act against the will of God.

We all face temptation and challenges to our faith. After all, even Jesus was tempted by Satan. But we must do just as Jesus did. We must know the word of God and skillfully use it to fight the enemy.

In these last days, we need to fight like we have lost our mind. Hold back no punches.

We must:

– Pray without ceasing (1Thessalonians).

– Study to show self approved unto God, (2 Timothy).

– Understand that somethings only come out through fasting and praying (Matthew 17:21).

– Let the weak say I’m strong (Joel 3:10).

It is time to get ourselves together. It is time to fight the good fight of faith.

We must fight as if our life depends on it.

Do you need prayer or counseling? Do you have questions or concerns? Please email us at:

The Challenges of Faith

2 Corinthians 2:14 (ESV), But thanks be unto God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.”

(KJV) “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in very place.”

Let’s start today’s conversation with some helpful definitions.

Triumph: a great victory or achievement. 

Savour (fragrance): a characteristic taste or flavor, or smell, especially a pleasant one.

Faith: Complete trust pr confidence in someone (God) or something.

Challenge: (noun) a call to take part in a contest or competition. An objection or query as to the truth of something often with an implicit demand for proof.

Right now, I am dealing with several situations in my life that requires constant faith. Why? Because there is something that I can see with my eyes that are in direct conflict to that which I am trusting God for.

It is amazing that these all seem to happen just after I shared my testimony of healing a few weeks back.

This is just how the enemy tries to attack. It is as if the enemy says, “you want to tell people of God’s healing? Then here is something else to deal with.”  No worries. I choose to continue to trust God and to tell of his wonderous works at every opportunity I have. And I expect to soon share the testimony of these victories too!

The bible contains 39 versus about the just shall live by faith. The bibles also says to every man is dealt a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).  What an awesome God we serve that he gives us exactly what we need for every battle we face – Faith!

What is faith according to the scripture?

Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

When we walk by faith (and not by sight), we are basically applying our faith to our situation. Our faith fills in the gap in place of the thing we need. If we need healing, our faith fills the gap or the hole that is left by sickness. Because faith fills the hole, we are made whole. It may not be evident right now (seen with the natural eye), but it is evident through our faith. Our healing has substance because we trust God and will only speak of the thing that as done. We see through the eyes of faith a completed work. We still feel the pain. But we refuse to let the pain win. In the presence of pain, we acknowledge that God is still in control, and we speak our miracle by faith. We do this continually, until that time when we realize that the miracle has already happened, now manifested to everyone can see and glorify God.

We must trust God to meet us on the other side.

This is an individual and personal challenge that every believer must undertake. This is the way we are to live our lives – daily. We walk by faith continuously. 

Everything we do, say, or believe is driven by our faith. Our faith is based – has as its foundation – the work of God. We believe the bible and stand upon it by faith. We then apply those biblical principles to our daily lives.

Yes, this is a challenge. Why? Because we are constantly seeing or hearing things that would want to dispute or alter what the bible says. People will try to explain away or interpret scripture to suit their belief or lifestyle. They will try to change God to fit them rather than repenting and living a life that pleases God.

Additionally, every day we must deal with out own doubts and insecurities. We do not always guard our ears, eyes, and heart. We are not selective about what we watch or listen to on television or the internet. We have ignorantly opened ourselves to battle spirits we have allow in because of these things. It is our own actions that makes this faith walk more challenging than it needs to be.

Because of this we find ourselves sounding like the world. Talking of being woke, wanting good vibes and energy. Some even go as far as burning sage in their homes, etc. We have allowed ourselves to become confused about who we are and whose we are. When it comes to a victorious life, we should talk of faith and faith alone.

But God is faithful. He changes not. His word is sure, and his word is true, and has always been so.

We just need to get back to basics. We need to get back to the word of God. Doing so brings us to a place where we always triumph in Christ. God is faithful, he cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:13).

-There are so many evil influences that are at our fingertips right inside the phone in our hands. We must exercise spiritual discipline to refuse to access places that would lead us away from God.

-We must make extra effort to assemble ourselves together and attend church services. There are internet and online options, and these are great. But there is something about worshiping together with other believers. Unity. We learn and draw strength from one another.

-Choose wisely who we keep company with. They say birds of a feather flock together for a reason.

These are all challenges to our faith that we can correct or avoid without much effort al all.

We must decide to choose God over everything else.

Have a blessed day friends.

Questions, comments or concerns? Please email me at:

Testimony Monday…

2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”

Hey OTP family! I wanted to share a quick testimony to the healing power of God.

It is a long and involved story, but the bottom line is the Orthopedic specialist said I had close to bone on bone in both knees and would eventually need knee replacements. I had the knee pain in both knees to confirm their diagnosis was probably accurate. But I did not want surgery.

I began to seek God. I asked all those who know the word of prayer to pray with me. I fasted and stood firmly on the word of God (I am still standing on the word). But I also sought other methods to control or eliminate the pain. I felt like the woman with the issue of blood. I tried everything I could think of. Including weight loss.

The Lord helped with learning how to eat healthy and exercise. I found natural supplements too. I am happy to report I am currently 30 pounds lighter (to God, be the glory!).

Some may say where is the miracle? But if you have ever struggled with weight, sickness, or a poor diet, then you understand it is not easy to make changes. It is always a battle. You have to get in the scriptures and search them. Then stand on the same word day and night.

You have to combat the opinions of doctors and all the medication they want to prescribe that does not heal, it only masks the issue so it is bearable. You have to battle you own doubts because they creep in about 100 times a day. Even on the days when it seems you are doing well.

It is truly a faith battle that takes years sometimes to overcome.

But God is faithful! I am walking in my healing! It is a blessing to wake up daily without pain. It is a blessing not to need pain medication. It is awesome not to face surgery. God is a healer, God is a miracle worker. Because of him I am a new person. I don’t think the way I used to regarding my health and diet. Only God can change a person’s way of thinking!

It is funny how my healing crept upon me. It was several weeks before I noticed it was not in pain. That I had no swelling in my joints and I could walk pain free. Then I had to sit and think back to when was the last time I felt the pain and discomfort. It was then I realized just what God has done!

Today I just wanted to thank God for what he has done. I want to help someone else with this testimony.

Don’t give up – you are about to walk in your miraculous healing. God is going to change your perspective. Hey will make you new too.

Not only did God do it for my husband in 2010, he has done it for me too in 2024.

I share our testimony of healing in Our Journey in my book. It is a short read, but it has a powerful blessing.

God bless you all and I pray God’s miraculous blessings upon you.

Pentecost Sunday…

Pentecost is a Christian holiday that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, following the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. The word “Pentecost” comes from the Greek word pentekoste, which means “fiftieth”. The holiday is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter, which is 50 days after Easter. Because the date depends on the date of Easter, Pentecost is a moveable feast.

This is a day of celebration commemorating the promise Jesus gave regarding the comforter (Holy Ghost). Acts 2:1-4, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

The dispensation of grace and truth was ushered in. Peter preached the message regarding the plan of salvation (Acts2:38). The Holy Ghost dwelling on the inside of his people. The temple veil was rent and we can now come boldly to God for ourselves. We have a personal relationship with God – a spiritual walk where the foundation is based on the word of God, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone.

A faith walk, where we must endure to the end. He that endures to the end shall be saved (Matthew 23:13).

Celebrate and Partake.

We give praise to God for this awesome gift. We appreciate his great sacrifice, ultimate show of love, and triumphant resurrection that was accomplished at Calvary’s Cross. The tomb that Joseph of Arimathea provided is called a borrowed tomb because Jesus only needed it for a short while. He arose on the 3rd day, which is the true purpose of Easter. It is because of his resurrection and ascension back up to glory facilitated the release of the comforter or Holy Ghost fall to earth.

This awesome miracle occurred on Pentecost day.

How do we partake? We follow the instructions that Peter gave as he preached to all those who witnessed, Acts 2-15-16, “For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;”

The Holy Ghost is essential to make it in the world today. It is not optional for the believer. It is that same getting up power to help us become and stay rapture ready.

If you are not already a member of a church ministry that is biblically sound and based. I encourage you to locate one and join yourself to it. A ministry which preaches and teaches the doctrine of Jesus Christ – the way, the truth, and the light. Salvation is our goal. Then we walk by faith according the Word of God. We strive to endure to the end.

What a blessed life it is. Happy Pentecost Sunday!

That’s Not How The Story Ends!

Judges 16:21-30

Sampson killed more Philistines in his death than he did in is life.

This Sunday morning Pastor Adams shares the message…

– The enemy is plotting against you to find your weaknesses.

– Arrogance lead to his downfall.

Lessons to learn:

– Keep your own secrets. See 1 Thessalonians 4:11.

– Don’t play with the devil. He’s been at the game longer than you. See Ephesians 4:27.

– Your fall is not the end of your story.

– In your failure see God. Repent and learn from your past. Seek God because this is not the end of your story.

Sampson’s hair began to grow again. You can get back into place. Lean on God. Accomplish what God has called you to.

Don’t stop writing your story!

Celebrate Mothers…

Proverbs 31: 10-12, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,
so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil
all the days of her life.”

Today is the day we set aside to celebrate our mothers. No matter if your mother was great or not, she gave you life. That is something to celebrate.

If your mother is no longer living, today is a day to remember the good times you had with her. To appreciate the time God gave you with her. To remember all of those wonderful memories and “momism” sayings that you find yourself repeating to your children.

We also want to celebrate those other women in our lives who have provided “mom” type influence, guidance, and love.

You are all truly appreciated and loved!

My prayer is that you enjoy today with your Mother and family if possible. If is not possible, I pray that you take a moment to remember mom and appreciate the office of motherhood in your life.

To God be the glory for the things he has done!

Celebrate and Reflect…

John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Today is a very special day to me. It is the anniversary of the date that I received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

It was May 8, 1984. Can you believe it? That was 40 years ago! I was a baby back then but I knew I wanted this special gift more than anything else. I can still remember everything that happened on that Tuesday night prayer service as if it was yesterday!

I (my family and I) have come through a lot of life’s changes with all its’s ups and downs, and all the highs and lows. But the main constant in my life has been my walk with Christ (and my family – husband and children – of course). Through it all this special gift has been my rudder steering me through everything that I have had to face. Carrying me during the times when I was not strong enough to walk. Giving me peace and clarity, so I can make sound decisions.

As a song says, I don’t know where I would be if it had not been for the Lord on my side. So, every year on this day I choose to reflect on my life and how blessed I am because the Lord saved me. Every year, I am grateful that I had enough sense to give my “yes” to God. Today is no exception.

What about you, do you celebrate your spiritual birthday? And if you do, how?

I am thankful and grateful!

I realize that God is my everything. And I truly endeavor to involve him in every aspect of my life. I am not perfect and I make way too many mistakes. But God is good and he knows my heart. He gives me room to repent and another chance to make good. I know I could give up a whole lot of things, but my relationship with God is not one of them.

Yes, I am grateful for my spiritual birthday and to God be the glory.

May God continue to bless you on this day!

Where Are You Planting? What Are You Planting?

Scripture Text: Matthew 13:1-9

Supporting Scripture: Proverbs 18:21, I Corinthians 3:6

Elder Kyle Adams, Sr., Sunday Morning Message… shares the parable of the sower and the seed.

What is the condition of the soil of your heart?

– Is it Way-Side, where birds (the cares of this life) come and devour the seed?

– Is it a Stoney Place where you have not taken time to prepare (cultivate the soil of your heart) it to receive the seed? But keep living like you are in a good place?

– Is it Thorny Ground where your heart is closed off because you live in bitterness, hate, forgiveness, etc., and you have no desire to change. You go through the motions of this life but the seed has no opportunity to penetrate your heart.

– Is it Good Ground where you are open to the will of God. You have taken time to cultivate the soil of your heart to receive the seed. And you are willing to let go of things that will stunt the growth of good spiritual fruit.

What you speak out of your mouth is important. It also reflects those secret thoughts you think in private. What you speak will bear fruit and you will have to partake of that fruit.

Speak life and good. Plant seeds that bless you and other, and will also bring glory to God!

Please contact us:

Have a blessed Sunday.

Don’t Loose Focus!

Luke 22:31-31, 54-62

Sunday Morning Message…today Elder Kyle Adams, Sr., shares the Word of God.

Always remember:

– God knows you and still loves you.

– Just because you messed up, don’t give up. God’s plan for you is still in effect.

– But when you do get it together, strengthen your brother. Remember the times you failed and encourage your brother.

Understand Satan is after the anointing God has placed on your life.

In the midst of your failure, keep fighting. Repent and keep moving forward.

Sharpen your focus!

Have a blessed Sunday and be encouraged for the coming work week.

Envision and Embrace – A Lesson from Jabez…

1 Chronicles 4:9-10, “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.”

There is something about our faith and trust in God that touches him to the point that he will withhold no good thing from us. Such was the case with Jabez. There is little known about him other than his prayer. But what a powerful prayer!

Looking at 1 Chronicles it contains a genealogical record. Jabez, in a single phrase added to his lineage, regarding his prayer, demonstrated to all how to pray God’s will over our lives.

According to an article entitled “What Is the Prayer of Jabez in the Bible?” (, “Jabez’s inheritance was by faith over heritage. God blessed Jabez, not with prosperity in return for his prayers, but with provision for the will God wished to execute through his life.

With Jabez, we must not read his prayer as a request for private blessing, but as a cry for God to bless him as a part of God’s covenant people. His name, ironically, means pain and sorrow.”

I agree and the amazing part is that his because of his faith and trust in God, that name that may have initially been all about sorrow came to mean more. God has a way of changing us when we come into contact with him so that we are no longer the same as we use to be. Spiritually changing our name. Abram became Abraham. Saul became Paul. Similarly the stigma of Jabez’s name (which meant pain and sorrow) was removed and his name was given to a city of Judah where the families of the scribes dwelt (1Chronicles 2:55).

Let’s look at Jabez’s Prayer:

-And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Calling on God. This seems standard to some but believe it or not, many try to obtain the blessings of God without honoring his name. They want to decree and declare, but we must approach God correctly before we can hope to access his goodness. Just look at The Lord’s Prayer. The first part (our father which are in heaven Hollywood be thy name) is all about giving honor and reverence to God.

-Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed,

Seeking God’s will. Bless me (in fact; in reality; in truth; truly). Acknowledging it is God’s will to bless, but asking that he would bring the blessings to pass in his life.

-and enlarge my coast,

Asking God for More. Increase me God. This is not a simple request. Luke 12:28 tells us to – Whom much is given much is required. Words easily uttered, but should not be done thoughtlessly. Can you successfully maneuver under the mantle of more? But as God is leading you to pray this prayer ask it in confidence. God gave you the unction because knew you were built to handle it!

-and that thine hand might be with me,

Asking for God’s Continual Guidance. Acknowledging we can do nothing without him. We need God in every decision so we can be a good steward of the coming blessings, and the enlarged coasts. Jabez recognized to try and navigate these new waters without God’s constant guidance is to steer toward certain failure.

-and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! Ask for God’s Protection. With such natural and spiritual wealth the temptation to sin also increases. Jabez understood unless God kept him he would be subject to falling victim to all kinds of evil (sin). This evil would eventually cause great distress to him. He needed God’s protection. He wanted to avoid this even before it became an issue. 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 KJV, “Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

My favorite part – “And God granted him that which he requested.”

We can we learn from Jabez’s prayer? God has a plan for us all. We cannot allow what people would want to call us or how they would label us l, to be our story. We have to lean into God and trust his plan. We have that God given yearning in our hearts, and we feel the urge of “more” within us. We must have that vision. We must align our faith with what God is saying to our hearts and work towards that goal. That same pull from the Holy Spirit is what caused Jabez to pray this prophetic prayer. His prayer not only line up with the covenant God made with Abraham, it also showed the level of faith and trust to take God at his word.

A couple definitions:

Envision means to imagine as a future possibility; visualize.

Embrace is to accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

What about you? What has God spoken to you regarding your life? Don’t let go of it. Even if you cannot fully envision it now, continue to pray about it. Embrace it in prayer. Ask God to prepare you to skillfully handle the blessing, to operate in the spirit of excellence so the he gets the glory.

Do not get distracted by your current state or size. The Bible says not to despise small beginnings. But choose to lean into the vision and trust God’s plan. You will get that expected end.

Have a blessed night!