Day 10… 21 Day Challenge

Hebrews 10:36, “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.”

Welcome to Day 10, and I pray you had great Sunday morning worship service.

Can you believe it, just 11 more days to go! We are going full steam ahead. Our focus is clear and hearts are light.


Praise service is excellent devotion time. Just be sure some extra time later at home. How is you personal Bible study going? Choose to spend some time in study today. Watch God open your understanding and teach you how to apply to your life.


On Sunday’s I like to relax and just spend time with my family. However, I do take time for myself in the evenings. I like to do a 30 min walking video. However, you can find whatever physical activity you enjoy. Just don’t allow the need to exercise eclipse time with your loved ones. Remember, we are striving for balance.

Healthy Eating:

Today’s eating challenge is to select a healthy meal that your family will enjoy. Not an easy task. But also not an impossible task either. Choose grilled or baked over fried. Incorporated vegetables. Leafy greens if possible, select whole wheat breads or no bread at all. Opt water over sugary drinks. If you do want a drink. Try to find something that is low in sugar. Most importantly – have fun preparing your meal. Or if you are eating out, select a restaurant that serves the types of foods that meet your requirements.

Happy eating.

Have a blessed Sunday!!

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