Day 8… 21 Day Challenge

Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Happy Day 8 everyone!!

In everything we do, as believers, we must begin from a foundation of faith. We seek God before we start anything new. We should seek God before undertaking our daily tasks and activities. Then we operate from a foundation of faith, and trust that the God we serve will receive the glory from our efforts. That is why when accolades come we point back to God.

It is our goal to please God. This is an impossible task if we don’t operate in faith. That is why the scriptures also says “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). But God is faithful. He has given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). We all have faith and we are all required to live by it.

It is for this reason that I trust we can all have a successful challenge. We can all make the changes needed to achieve and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. But we cannot make lasting change without God! We must not only “include” God in the process. The process must revolve around God. He is our compass. He gives us direction and helps us to make choices that are right for us individually.


Today, let us seek God’s help and direction. We want to be specific. Hopefully, as a part of your preparation before heading into this challenge I hope you sought the Lord trough prayer. If you did not, them let us all seek him regarding the second week of this challenge. What are your goals? What benefits are you hoping to experience? Let us seek God for those things, if you need strength to make it all the through, ask for thar. If you need help on what healthy eating is for you, ask about that. Let’s move in faith, so we can please him.


Walking on a treadmill is an excellent we to move. Bikes and elliptical machines are great too. If you have a gym or YMCA membership this is some that is easy and challenging. If you do not belong to a gym, I recommend doing a “walk at home” video instead. Search on YouTube. You will love it. Remember 20-30 minutes is our goal.

Healthy Eating:

Please share your recipe ideas and any comments, questions or concerns. Our email is, or comment below.

Have an excellent Friday!!

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