Testimony Monday…

2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”

Hey OTP family! I wanted to share a quick testimony to the healing power of God.

It is a long and involved story, but the bottom line is the Orthopedic specialist said I had close to bone on bone in both knees and would eventually need knee replacements. I had the knee pain in both knees to confirm their diagnosis was probably accurate. But I did not want surgery.

I began to seek God. I asked all those who know the word of prayer to pray with me. I fasted and stood firmly on the word of God (I am still standing on the word). But I also sought other methods to control or eliminate the pain. I felt like the woman with the issue of blood. I tried everything I could think of. Including weight loss.

The Lord helped with learning how to eat healthy and exercise. I found natural supplements too. I am happy to report I am currently 30 pounds lighter (to God, be the glory!).

Some may say where is the miracle? But if you have ever struggled with weight, sickness, or a poor diet, then you understand it is not easy to make changes. It is always a battle. You have to get in the scriptures and search them. Then stand on the same word day and night.

You have to combat the opinions of doctors and all the medication they want to prescribe that does not heal, it only masks the issue so it is bearable. You have to battle you own doubts because they creep in about 100 times a day. Even on the days when it seems you are doing well.

It is truly a faith battle that takes years sometimes to overcome.

But God is faithful! I am walking in my healing! It is a blessing to wake up daily without pain. It is a blessing not to need pain medication. It is awesome not to face surgery. God is a healer, God is a miracle worker. Because of him I am a new person. I don’t think the way I used to regarding my health and diet. Only God can change a person’s way of thinking!

It is funny how my healing crept upon me. It was several weeks before I noticed it was not in pain. That I had no swelling in my joints and I could walk pain free. Then I had to sit and think back to when was the last time I felt the pain and discomfort. It was then I realized just what God has done!

Today I just wanted to thank God for what he has done. I want to help someone else with this testimony.

Don’t give up – you are about to walk in your miraculous healing. God is going to change your perspective. Hey will make you new too.

Not only did God do it for my husband in 2010, he has done it for me too in 2024.

I share our testimony of healing in Our Journey in my book. It is a short read, but it has a powerful blessing.


God bless you all and I pray God’s miraculous blessings upon you.

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