And They Fasted…

Isaiah 58:6-7, “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?”

As we head into the month of February – our dedicated time for seeking the Lord, I wanted to share some fasting information that you may find helpful.

I do not want to regulate your fast for it is your sacrifice to God. It should be something you talk about with God before hand.

What I do recommend is that you set aside time to seek God.

– Set aside time where you can meditate on the word of God, on the goodness of God.

– Limit your time exposure to foolishness (only you can define what this is in your life).

– Limit your time on social media because it can actually add stress to your life. At the very least stay away from sites that do not edify you spiritually.

– Take this time to make changes you have been considering. Start an exercise program, learn what is healthy eating and incorporate that into your daily eating routine. Learn how to become financially sound based on biblical principles.

– Choose a playlist of songs that speak to your spirit. That helps you draw closer to God. Update your music streaming sites accordingly. Play this on a loop in your home and car.

Most importantly, enjoy your time in the Lord. Remember this is not a chore. It is not penance. It is a time to bask in the presence of a loving, great God.

It is a time of refreshing, of renewal, of revival, and of rededication.

I look forward to checking in with you on Wednesdays and Sundays all month long.

Tomorrow is February 1st. Let’s start this off with a bang!

Have a blessed day!

Let Us Seek the Lord…

Isaiah 55:6-9, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him;
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,”

We are approaching that time of year again – the month February. It is the time that we have set aside each year to turn our faces toward God. A time to seek him and get direction for a new year

This is a leap year. We have and extra day this month to dedicate our selves to God.

We will be fasting and praying, settling our hearts and minds to hear from God. It is a time to:

– recharge

– refresh

– renew

A time to prepare to receive the blessings of God. For this is the time to walk in our purpose.

We will seek the Lord in February, so we can “March” into our destiny!

Please join us for our services here online or in person.

May God’s blessings continually to be upon you.

More to come…

See, Learn, Remember… The Growth of Faith

John 14:26, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

I always thought the commandment from “If you love me, keep my commandments” was both powerful and daunting. But God is faithful. He knows our human frailties and limitations. He came with a plan, even from the foundation of the world. What was his grand plan? What was the answer for us? The Holy Ghost (also see Acts 2:38 which explains how access this great plan).

By taking a closer look at the 14th chaper of John we will obtain greater insight. Let’s walk though the chapter together.

-The definition of see isto perceive with the eyes, discern visually. -To discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information. -To understand.

Our vision does more than show us our surroundings. In fact, weather you know it or not, our ability to see automatically imparts knowledge. For example, if you are out taking a hike in the woods and come across a foot bridge, automatically your eyes are scanning to determine if it seems visually able to support your journey across. Your sight automatically pulls on your other knowledge base or experience to determine if you should even risk the journey. You are able to visually discern and deduce. Your are able to understand what your next step(s) should be. Amazingly, this all occurred in th matter of seconds just from the power of your sight.

The ability to see spiritually is extremely important in the life of the believer.

There are 3 verses in John 14 that talks about this:
-John 14:7, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.”
John 14:9, “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast though not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me has seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?”
-John 14:19, “Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.”

Verse 7 is an example of [see – understand]. Jesus shows them they have seen him to a degree that they should understand just who he is. The were present with him to see first hand the many miracles he performed. The witnessed first hand how he dealt with people. They saw love in action. Because of this intimate experience with Jesus, they should have been able to perceive the Father. And seeing Jesus, they saw the Father. They are one.

Verse 9 is an example of [see – discern].
Let us look quickly at the definition of discern: to perceive or recognize (something); to distinguish (something or someone) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses. At this point in the disciples journey with Jesus, he expected more from them. Jesus had to ask, (I paraphrase here) after all this time together, you still do not recognize me? By seeing me, you have seen the Father, They are one.

It is important to note – in verse 10 goes on to provide some additional context for Philip. Jesus goes on to explain, if you cannot believe (or have bit yet discerned who I am), or if he did not believe the words that he spoke – the same words that came from the Father, he should at least believe the works (miracles) that he has done. Basically, something you have witnessed while you have been with me should have allowed you to discern just who I am.

Verse 19 is an example of [see – perceive with the eye]. Jesus explained (because of his soon coming death, burial, and resurrection) the world would see him no more. But Jesus also provided then with insight regarding their future and comfort. Because he lives they shall live also. In their living, they must carry on the work of Jesus. Just as we must continue to carry the message of Jesus to the world. No, Jesus is no longer physically walking the earth, but he is definitely with us, always.

Taking a deeper look at see. We have 2 options:
1). We can believe Jesus is the Father by the words that he speaks
2). We can believe Jesus is the Father by the works he has done (and continue to do even today),

Bottom line – we must believe!

Just as the disciples were to go on and do greater works that those that Jesus did. We are aslo to walk under this same command. Jesus goes on to say in verse 13 “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” There is power in the name of Jesus. So much so that Jesus promised that when we ask in his name he will do it. But lets be clear here – we must be working the will of God. As we are doing the work he has called us to, whatsoever we ask in his name he will do it. Why? So God gets the glory. This should be the mindset of the believer – use me God so that you get the glory! If we are trying to ask for things that do not bring God glory, I will say your request is not covered under this promise. As God works and moves on our behalf we are to give our testimony along this journey. Our testimony of the goodness of God. Our testimony gives strength and hope to those that hear it (see Revelations 12:11). For if God had done it for us, he can do it for them too.

Learn, Remember
John 14: 23, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

The Comforter or parakletos.
Let’s look at the definition of Comforter – advocate or helper. Paracletos, the Greek word is translated as advocate, In 1 John 2:1 as applicable to Christ. It means properly “one who is summoned to the side of another to help him in a court of justice by defending him. One who is summoned to plead a cause.” Advocate is the proper rendering of the word [Comforter] in every case where it occurs.
Paraclete (the original word): Comforter is the name given by Christ to the Holy Ghost. Paraclete means first advocate, a defender, helper, strengthener, as well as comforter.
The Holy Ghost = The Spirit of Truth.

In John 14:26, Jesus tells us the comforter will teach us all things, and will bring all things back to our remembrance – the things that God has said.

Teacher – one who is able to impart truth and wisdom for life.
Keep this in mind – you cannot claim Jesus as savior if you are not ready to submit to him as teacher.
Nehemiah 9:20: “Though gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct them…”
Luke 12:12: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.”
1 Corinthians 2b “…which things also we speak, not in the word which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth: comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1 John 2:27: “…but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him”

It is because of the Holy Ghost or comforter that we are able to recall scripture at those times when we need it most. It is the Holy Ghost that causes you to remember the things that God spoke to your spirit so long ago. It is the Holy Ghost which gives you strength to stand on those memory of that word or promise.

It is the Holy Ghost that allows us to walk in love toward people that do not like or respect us. It is the Holy Ghost that allows us to witness and share our testimony with others. It is the Holy Ghost that gives us wisdom to win souls to Christ.

For these reasons, we need to lean on and trust the indwelling spirit of God (the Holy Ghost). He will teach us all things. Our duty is to take the time to study the word of God, so that the Holy Ghost is able to bring that same word to our remembrance, and to open up our understanding to that word. It then becomes our duty to apply that word to our life and walk according to it.

This is how our faith grows. Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Have a blessed night!

New Book – Updated Info…

I am so excited to share the webpage for my new book

Our Journey: Pathway to Purpose: Navigating the heart transplant process 

They say hindsight is twenty-twenty. In my case, looking back over our journey, I have learned to appreciate life more. Our Journey is full of ups and downs, heartbreaks, life-threatening diagnoses, humor, and getting support from unexpected places. What was supposed to be a tragedy was actually a catalyst to purpose. Our Journey tells the story of our experiences while navigating the heart transplant process. It offers hope to those who have found themselves in situations that seem were meant to destroy them.Our Journey offers hope and encouragement and challenges the reader to look at their situation from a different perspective and to understand that a new perspective can change a life.

–Andrea Adams

New Book…Our Journey

I am pleased to announce that my book is now available for purchase.

It is a short read with a powerful message .


They say hindsight is twenty-twenty. In my case, looking back over our journey, I have learned to appreciate life more. Our Journey is full of ups and downs, heartbreaks, life-threatening diagnoses, humor, and getting support from unexpected places. What was supposed to be a tragedy was actually a catalyst to purpose. Our Journey tells the story of our experiences while navigating the heart transplant process. It offers hope to those who have found themselves in situations that seem were meant to destroy them.

Our Journey offers hope and encouragement and challenges the reader to look at their situation from a different perspective and to understand that a new perspective can change a life.


Please support our ministry by purchasing and sharing.

Now on Barnes & Noble, Booktopia,, and other online retailers. Coming soon to Amazon.

Please click on the link below to purchase:

Thank you in advance for your support.

God bless.

My 2024 Attitude – “I need you Lord“

John 5:15, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

Let me start by saying Happy New Year to my OTP friends and family.

This walk with God is a personal one. Each of us need to seek God for direction is all things. Proverbs 3:5-6, says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
” We need to seek God’s face to successfully navigate through this life. We cannot ONLY rely on our pastor, minister, Bible study leader, etc. for so much. At some point we must take on the responsibility to add to, or strengthen (and sometimes even to correct) what we are taught.

I thank God for these spiritual leaders. However, having them does not lessen the responsibility of the believer to do his or her own part. That is to study the word of God for ourselves, and govern our lives accordingly. See 2 Timothy 2:15.


I love the fact that Jesus plainly and clearly says “for without me you can do nothing!”

My goal is to walk in purpose for 2024! And I need the Lord to accomplish this!

As I was seeking the Lord for my 2024 (remember, it is a personal thing), I found myself telling God I want to be found doing All that he has called me to. It is my year of purpose. Not lack. Not finding what he has for me to do. Not trying to figure out who I am in him. But my year of actually “doing” the will of God for my life.

For the people of God, I feel a general air of “no more excuses” for 2024. God expects more of his people.

God is coming back soon. And he’s coming for a people who have made themselves ready. A people who are looking for his glorious appearing. A part of being ready is to be found walking in our purpose.

Romans 8:19 lets us know that people are waiting for us to take our place. Yes, your ministry, your calling is needed. People are waiting for us to get in our place and work.

It is time to put your faith to work. Step out on nothing, in faith, and watch God make a way. James 2:17, “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” You cannot sit on the sidelines and wait for the manifestation of the things you feel you need before you can do what God has called you to. You must walk by faith. If you do, you will find yourself walking right into the blessings of God!

As noted above in Proverbs, we need to:

1. Trust God,

2. Lean not to your own understanding.

3. In everything we do we must acknowledge God (acknowledge is to accept or admit the existence of truth). God is truth. His way is right, always.

4. We must let God direct our path. We must go his way, and not our own.

God is faithful and his word is true. If we will do our part, he will do his part.


My prayer for you is that you seek the Lord and walk in the purpose that God has called you to. Work while it is day, for night is coming and no man will be able to work.

I pray that you make 2024 your year of purpose too!

May the blessings of God find and over take you.