Thursday Encouragement…Do as He did, Serve!

John 13;15-17, “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Theservant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”

We are in the Thanksgiving season. This is typically a time of reflection. A time set aside where we give thanks for family and friends. A time to show appreciation through service.

I encourage you to read this full chapter of John. Verses 15-17 occur right after Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. This is humility and service in action. It demonstrates the concept of equality. Even though he is our Lord and Master, he was still able to humble himself to wash feet.

No matter who we are or what accomplishments we have achieved, we should still be able to submit ourselves to the service of others. 

To this end, I would encourage to seek out opportunities to give back this season. Find a way to serve people who need you. People who need a helping hand. For many, all they need is a little caring and a helping hand to completely turn their lives around. Sometimes, these are small things like a haircut, a change of clothes, a simple meal, etc. To others it may be other things that would require a little bit of a commitment for you. 

Decide what you can do, what level of commitment you can give, and serve accordingly. 

Once you open yourself up for service, it will drastically change your life. You may even wonder why it took you so long tomake the choice to serve.

For those who do not know how to get started, here are a couple resources that may help.

Also, do an internet search for volunteering/giving opportunities in your area. 

Ideas would include:

Boys and Girls Club of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Red Cross

Your local church would also be a great place to start. But keep in my real ministry (service and giving) is done outside of the four walls of the church. Find the people who really need what you have to give.

No matter how or where you choose, just make sure to serve. The scriptures say to give (money and time) it will be given back to you press down, shaken together, running over (Luke 6:38). Jesus gave of an example of humble service.

Have a bless day and find a way to service!

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