Proud vs Humble. Knowing Where You Stand…

James 4:6, “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

Hey OTP family!! For our consideration today I wanted to compare the proud spirit versus a humble spirit. Our goal is to see how God reacts to both, so we can make corrections on our journey with Christ. Our ultimate goal is to see his face in peace and to please him.

To this end, here are some please consider the following definitions:


– The Bible defines Proud as self-respect or improper and excessive self-esteem known as conceit or arrogance. Pride can be defined as elevating one`s opinions and thoughts above God`s authoritative Word.

– The dictionary definition, Proud is feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.


– According to Ethos360 Bible Institute, they offer a definition of humble as “True humility seeks to bring glory and honor to God and looks out for the interests of others (Colossians 3.12-14; Philippians 2.3-8). Christ gives us a perfect example of humility. He went to the cross and gave up His life so that others might live.” I would agree with this as well.

– The dictionary states a humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.

Let’s also look at “Pride” so we do not confuse it with the “Proud” we are discussing today.

Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Pride may not be considered a bad thing by most. However, if left unchecked, it can lead us to a very bad place within ourselves (our own minds), that will eventually adversely impact how we are perceived/received by others. It will also impact the way we treat others. It will impact the way we are viewed by God. The scriptures say, I Corinthians 10:23, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify”.  Just because there may be no law prohibiting a thing, does not mean that you have the right to participate in it. Additionally, if does not mean God is pleased with the behavior. However, in the case of Pride, God is very clear.

What does it mean to be proud?

very happy and pleased because of something you have done, something you own, someone you know or are related to, etc.

This proud removes God out of the equation and focuses on the accomplishments of the person, rather than on God, who gave the person the ability.

What is a humble attitude?

Humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in the larger order of things. It entails not taking our desires, successes, or failings too seriously.

Humility recognizes the accomplishments but never fails to give God his due glory and praise for making the accomplishment possible.

What does God say?

1 Peter 5: 5-6, “ 5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

What is the difference between pride and proud?

Pride refers to the satisfaction that an individual gains from something. Proud, on the other hand, refers to the feeling of pride. Spiritually speaking, the difference between the two words is that pride is a gateway. It looks innocent enough. A person giving themselves a pat on the back for a job well done. But it can lead to an attitude that only recognizes the achievement, and not the God who made the way for the achievement.

We understand that faith without works is dead. God expects us to put some action to our faith – that is how we achieve. However, what God does not accept is sharing his glory with another.

For example. You had faith. You trusted God to make a way, to give you knowledge, to help you pass a test, to give a great interview, etc. You put faith in action with your works. You studied for the test, you practiced different interview techniques, you had your resume prepared and reviewed by a professional, etc. You added works to your faith. When God makes a way, your reaction will tell you where you are.

If your first reaction is to give glory to God, then you are in a place of humility. To this person God gives more grace. However, if your attitude is to glory in your accomplishment, then you are in a place of pride (proud). This person God resists.

Eventually, pride will take over. And your story will be all about you, and less about God.

“Humble” Gas Gauge

Trust me, it is impossible to fight against God. It is so much easier to live a blessed life, that is full of grace.

Check where you stand. Are you full of pride? Or are you humble?

If your humble gas gauge is leaning towards pride, repent. Ask God to forgive you and help you have a sincerely humbled heart. Give God his due (glory and praise) for the things he has done in your life and be blessed.

Thursday Encouragement – God Provides…

Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Hey OTP friends! I just wanted to offer a little encouragement today.

As we approach the holiday season many tend to reflect on losses, or feel the pressure of financial responsibility. The stress over preparing a Thanksgiving meal and buying gifts for family and friends. But I wanted to offer a different perspective that may help ease this load.

We must remember God.

God is sovereign. We may not always understand his plan, but he is ever in control. He can comfort the broken heart. We can send water to our desert places. He knows the feeling of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15-16). God gets us and everything we go through. So much so, that he is there to provide.

Our job is to remain faithful and to continue to trust him – through it all.

We have to be willing to abide in him (see Psalms 91). If we remain in him, all things are possible. We have the ability to stand on God’s word and are able to hold him to it. Jeremiah 1:12 reminds us that God watches over his word to perform it.

We must understand that God is not moved by our emotions. He is only moved by our faith.

It’s not the tears we cry over anything. It is our ability to say in spite of what we are feeling, I still believe and trust you God. Then we shake ourselves, declare his word, and stand. This is what moves God.

The scriptures says it this way, whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23). And without faith it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:16).

No matter where we find ourselves on our journey with Christ, where he leads us, he always sends provision to that place. If we are out of place, we may also miss the provision. We must make sure we are living our life in Christ, and that we are being led by him.

Our responsibility is to walk in obedience. Even if we are not comfortable with where he leads us.

We must take comfort in the fact that he will not place more on us than we are able to bear. I will say again – our obedience to God is a requirement.

God loves us so, and he knows us. He knows how to take us to the place of provision. Because of this we can face anything, including all the baggage that comes with the holiday season.

So do not stress. Mentally prepare yourself to enjoy this time of the year and give glory to God!

Have a blessed day.

Saturday Joy…

Psalms 91: 1-5, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”

There are times when the activities of daily live could almost overwhelm. There are also times when we have been been dealing with stresses and pain that has worked to cloud the mind. So much so that they cause us to forget who we are in Christ, and to forget the power of the God we serve. But we must remind ourselves.

Take a deep breath and remember God. Take that mental stroll down memory lane. Remember all of the other times God has deliver, brought us out, and made ways when it seemed we were doomed to fail. As the song says” when I think of the goodness of Jesus, and all he has done for me. Oh my soul cries out hallelujah. I praise God for saving me.”

Focus on Psalms 91. Focus on the covering and provisions of that covering God has promised. But we must do our part.

– We must make sure to dwell in that secret place.

– We must confess who he is to us: our refuge and fortress. He is our God!

– We must trust him to be just what he said.

– we must them allow him to have control.

Here is the key:

– We must allow God to work it out.

– We must stand still in active patience, trusting God!

What is active patience?

It is when we, as believers, continue on with the work that God has called us to; while at the same time we leave God to work out our troubles. After we have prayed about them, we then settle in praise and worship over the trouble. We allow praise and worship to be our coping method. God will take care of us, because we trust in him.

So take it easy and wait in patience. Active patience.

Have a blessed Saturday!

A Deeper (Fuller) Revelation…

John, 13:7, “Jesus answered and said unto him, what I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.”

Today I want to talk about a deeper revelation or a fuller revelation.

Have you ever wanted to know God more? To know more about him at a deeper level?

What is revelation?

In its broad meaning, revelation is divine guidance or inspiration; it is the communication of truth and knowledge from God to His children. God speaks to us in a manner we can grasp and understand. A deeper revelation simply means to uncover something not yet known. 

God opens our understanding to himself or things concerning our lives to a level we had not previously known.

For example, we all thought we knew what love was – on a rudimentary level – until we met God. We were born to love our family. We love our children. We love our pets, etc. But as we walk with God, we begin to see and grasp deeper understand of love. We are exposed to so many levels of God’s love toward us. We see the love God had when he was on Calvary’s cross. He could have called down a legion of angels at any time. But his love for us caused him to see the crucifixion through to the end. This is a deeper meaning of love. Deeper than anything we have ever seen in our life.

A deeper or fuller revelation can be gained about anything when it comes to Christ and our walk with him. Deeper levels of peace, of understanding, of kindness, of selflessness, of joy, and of our purpose or God’s plan for our lives. Many of us have been in the place where we were/are hungry to know God better. We must prepare ourselves in patience. Because the road to this deeper knowledge is crafted by God and is specific to the individual. We cannot compare our road to the person standing next to us. We must run the race that is set before us.

6 keys – How we gain a deeper revelation of God and from God by the following:

– We must persevere (Hosea 6:3). We cannot give up.

– Through intimate fellowship with Christ (Matthew 13:11). 

– We must have a true and real relationship with him.

– We must abide in the word of God (John 8:31-32).

– We must be led by the Spirit of God (John 16:13).

– Promised to the Disciples (John 16:25). To be a disciple of Jesus means to serve like him. To be a follower of him.

We are only given a small piece of the picture puzzle.

God has a way of showing us a glimpse of a thing, and then pulls us to go after that thing with our whole heart. This is the faith part – we understand we only have just a small piece of the big picture. But the piece we do have is enough to sustain us and start us on our journey. God is just that good.

I Corinthians 13:9-12, “9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

Let’s take a deeper look at those keys:

1. Persevere: We cannot give up – we must keep going.

This requires faith and trust in God.

It always seems easier to give up. But then we must also deal with the feeling of defeat that comes with giving up. If you have ever been there you know then you know the drama to keep going is better than dealing with defeat and guilt.

2. Intimate fellowship with Christ. Real Relationship!!

This is that Philippians 3:10-14 relationship. It is real and it requires sacrifice and obedience to maintain. It requires salvation (Acts 2:38), and true worship (John 4:24).

3. Abide in the word of God. We must have that “In Him” experience.

This requires us to live a life of walking in the Word (applying the word to our life and living according to it). A life that is rooted and grounded in the scriptures. See Psalms 91.

4. Revelation will come in due time. 

This requires diligent work. We must keep working the work of Christ – through everything. 

Have you ever had to keep working in the midst of that feeling that you don’t really know what you are doing? Where you question your qualifications AND your calling? Do not give info that. Keep going. You will understand it better by and by!

5.  The guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

This requires obedience. See Acts 1:8. We must allow the Holy Spirit to have control. We must not fight against where God leads. We must trust him and lean on him.

6.  Promised to the Disciples.

This requires us to truly be followers of Christs. A true disciple goes wherever Christ instructs. We cannot choose to go our own way. We must submit to the will of God.

Our ability to accept the keys and use them effectively will make the difference in experiencing that deeper and closer relationship with God.

But we all should strive to know him more.

Have a blessed day.