Day 14… 21 Day Challenge

Psalms 75:6-7, “For promotion cometh neither from the east,
nor from the west, nor from the south.
But God is the judge:
he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Happy day 14! Yes, we are 2 weeks into our 3 week challenge. I trust that God’s grace is abounding toward you in this endeavor!

Today we are going to talk about promotion. By definition, promotion is activity that supports or provides active encouragement for the furtherance of a cause, venture, or aim.

Our cause, venture or aim is to achieve a healthy balance in our life/walk with Christ. To this end we have identified the need to evaluate 3 important relationships in our life.

1. Our relationship with God.

2. Our relationship with physical activity.

3. Our relationship with food.

If we can achieve balance in these 3 areas there is nothing we cannot accomplish in this life.

The driving force behind it all? To be in a position to fulfill God’s plan for our life.

We must have a strong connection with God to not only hear his voice, but faith to move accordingly. To do this in a spirit of excellence, we must be physically fit to the point where we can move swiftly and assuredly. The food we eat works hand in hand with this, so that our bodies are not only strong, but they are also healthy. Strength alone will not sustain. We must be both strong and healthy.

Now back to promotion.

God is the one who encourages us to strive for more. He is the one who places the desire for greater in us. This desire for more also has a way of illuminating just how inadequate we are on our own. This is where our faith comes in. Our faith, fueled by the want for more, causes us to connect with God. God is our source. God opens doors, puts people in your path, and plants the seeds of the actions we need to take.

Here is a personal example. The next thing you know you find your self, thinking about going back to school to finish your degree. You keep seeing commercials for schools that make it easier to continue to work and go after your degree. Then you find yourself enrolled. You don’t know how, but you pushed yourself through the degree program. Now you graduate, and you think “what’s next?” Something floats across your desk. An opportunity that you would not have considered before. You take action.

All this time, God was working and moving behind the scenes. Orchestrating our lives to position us where he needs us to be. Our promotion comes from him, and only him.

We may think the goal to seek balance is just a good idea with the side benefit of weight loss. But the truth is God is positioning his people for the next level. We cannot get to and maintain/sustain at that new level the way we are right now. We must be changed.

Change takes hard work and dedication. But it is worth it!


Praise is always appropriate because we serve a great God who is always doing great things. Try a 15 minute praise break and 15 mins Bible study. It might be just what you need.


Because of the break in weather (no more extreme heat for a while), it might be time for a pleasant 2 mile walk outside. Just aim for that 30 minute goal.

Healthy Eating;

Fish anyone? I found this recipe on Pinterest

Happy eating and have a blessed day!

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