Day 12… 21 Day Challenge

Psalms 118:24, “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it”

Happy Tuesday and I trust that you are still going strong with the challenge!

Today I just want to share some encouragement. I forced myself to climb on the scale this morning. I must say I am down a few pounds since starting this challenge. It is awesome to see the physical results of seeking balance. It shows the exercises and healthy eating does have awesome side effects. But what I am most excited about is my relationship with Christ. I appreciate the consistency in the time spent basking in his presence.

At work we have a process called 2-2-2. We break our day up so that we spend 2 hour on the 3 main categories of things we must accomplish each day. It provides balance in the management of our case load. It is a tool that keeps things manageable. If you work the process faithfully, (even on the days when the unexpected occurs and we cannot get through everything) you will eventually work your way back to balance.

I have found this same approach in achieving balance in my walk with Christ works well too. i structure my day to fit in devotions time, exercise, and healthy eating. When you designate a thing as important to your life – you will make time for it. Excuses do not play into. It is something that is necessary for your happiness and growth.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Life is full of ups and downs, strive for consistency. If you fall, get back up and shake yourself off. Get busy again.


We are going to us our tool today. For the time you allotted for devotion. If you set aside 30 mins we will do 10-10-10. Ten minutes in scripture reading, 10 mins in praise and 10 mins in worship.


For variety sake, you can choose 3 different tasks and do each for 10 minutes. 10 mins jump rope, 10 mins elliptical, 10 mins bike. Or whatever tasks you like.

Healthy Eating:

Select a new recipe and enjoy the process of cooking and relaxing!

Have a blessed night!

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