Day 11… 21 Day Challenge

Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Happy Monday and I hope your Day 11 has been spectacular!

Many times, when trying to develop new habits, after so long, we begin to question ourselves. We have thoughts like: Is this even working? Why don’t I see any progress? And the worst thought of all – what if I go back to living like I was before?

If and when you find yourself at this point – that just mean you have been making some real changes, and your body (and the enemy) is fight to go back to what use to be normal. But through God, real change is possible. You are a living witness.

Think of life pre-COVID-19. Now, think of life now. There has been a great number of changes that we have dealt with and now accept them as normal.

You will do the same with the changes you are making. They will become your new normal. You just cannot give up. Yes, you are going to fall down or miss the goal a time or two. But don’t let the be the standard. Get back up and try again. Let your success be the standard.

Mix it up. Don’t get locked into the same routine or activities – both physical exercise and devotion. Don’t lock onto the same healthy meals. Expand your horizons and try new foods. Exercise in different areas or surroundings, or even with other people. Try different types of worship music. Have your devotion at different times of the day. If you are an early riser, try and early morning worship session. They say variety is the spice of life. Do not be afraid to switch things up. You may find a whole other aspect of life to enjoy.

As the scripture says above you will reap the rewards of your hard work, if you keep at it. There is no reward coming to those who faint or give up.

For each day this week – change up your routine.


Try something new – pick a different time of day to spend quality time with God. Maybe choose a different style of worship music, but something that still sets an atmosphere that invites the presence of God. Our goal remains the same 20-30 minutes of quality time with God. Pick a scripture and meditate upon it.


Chose a different activity. Try something new that is still challenging for your physical activity level. Try to keep it fun and enjoyable, while at the same time challenges you or pushes you just a little. Listen to your body, don’t over do it. But get a solid 30 minutes in.

Healthy Eating:

Try a different style of food. But keep it healthy.

I found something that I want to try from Food Network site:

Remember the assignment to try something new and or switch up your routine each day this week.

Happy eating and have a blessed night.

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