Day 7… 21 Day Challenge

James 1:2-4,My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

Welcome to day 7 of our challenge! A full week today, with just 2 more to go.

Do you feel more health conscious? Are you experiencing a closer walk with God? If not, keep going it does get better, and you will be stronger because of it.

I was outside enjoying the warm weather and began to think of the Goodness of God. I appreciate the way God uses the simplest things to make us recognize and appreciate him!

Jumping into our day with both feet – let us focus a little more on God today.


Pick your favorite worship or paise song. Begin to sing it and really think about the words of the song. Picture just how God is that, has done that, etc. really put yourself in the song. The words seem to have a greater meaning when we view them through the lens of our life.

Now give God praise! And don’t be afraid to allow that praise to organically transition to worship. For God is that good!


I know many people love to go to the gym. My husband goes 5 days a week, and that is fine. For me, I enjoy being outdoors. I like physical activity that involves being in the sun. What is your preference? While the weather continues to be nice, choose some physical activities that cane be done outside. Is your stationary bike or treadmill mobile? Consider moving it in an area that will allow you to enjoy the sun.

Whatever you choose don’t forget to spend at least 30 minutes getting fit!

Healthy Eating:

Whatever you decide to eat today, consider your body, your health, and enjoy.

Don’t forget to email me at Or comment below.

Have a blessed day.

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