Day 6… 21 Day Challenge

Luke 21:19, “In your patience possess ye your souls.”

Hello Family! We are at the end of Day 6. I hope you are enjoying the challenge as much as I am.

I pray that your mind is filled with the goodness of God daily. I pray that you have more energy and are inspired to stretch yourself to achieve.

Here is a mindfulness exercise.

Walk back through your day. Consider how your energy level. Have you noticed an improvement? Do you see areas where you can add more effort?

Consider the food you have consumed today. Do you feel you made healthy choices? Can you remember your vegetable choices? Did you enjoy eating them? Did you feel weighed down? Or was there a lightness to your day?

Consider the time spent with the Lord. Are you satisfied with the quality of the experience? Some say you need to have a certain amount of time – and that is a good idea. However, I do go for quality over quantity. Did you touch God? Did you bask in his presence?

If you are satisfied with you efforts, then it was indeed a great day.

If you feel you missed the mark on a few things, that’s okay. Now you are aware of where you can make improvements.

Remember it is all about balance.

Keep pushing. Keep pursuing God. Keep seeking healthy foods – find recipes you will enjoy. Try new foods.

Tomorrow is day 7, we are going to crush it!!

Have a great night.

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