Day 5 … 21 Day Challenge

Isaiah 62:6-7, “ I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest,
till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Happy Tuesday!

I trust that you are all still hanging in there. It does get easier and you are building habits that will positively impact your life.

Remember we are playing the long game, not looking at short term. Our goal it to position ourselves so that we are always ready to do God’s will.

As they say, if you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready. 😊


Today we want to take time to pray for healing. Especially for those who have reached a point of desperation. A point where a person can fall prey to the unscrupulous.

We want to pray that God not only heals in whatever way is needed, but that he will also protect the vulnerable. God is able, and he is willing. We just need to encourage his people to step out on faith. To trust God for what seems impossible.

Just like the woman with the issue of blood. She had to encourage herself and speak within herself- “For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.Mark 5:28. Her desperation attached to her caused her to wholeheartedly pursue her miracle. She received just what she needed from God.

However, there are some who are desperate, but lack faith. They lack the faith to pursue God relentlessly to receive their miracle. Instead, their desperation moves them to go after relief anyway they can.

We need to be that watchman on the wall, praying for them. we must relentlessly pursue God for them.


Today, do something fun that you enjoy, such as a bike ride, swimming, jump rope, or running (if that is your cup of tea). Whatever it is, go outside and move. Find a physical activity that will increase your heart rate and provide natural stress relief.

Remember to wear your hat, sunglasses and sunblock to protect yourself.

20-30 minutes is our starting goal. However, feel free to over achieve and increase that time.

Healthy Eating:

If you have not noticed by now, I love I can go there and find quick, easy, and delicious recipes. Here is a simple one…

Who said it was hard to eat healthy? 😎

Have a great day 5.

See you tomorrow!

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