Day 4 …21 Day Challenge

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me.”

Hey there OTP family!! How ways your day 4 of the challenge?

Many people think change is heard or nearly impossible. I can honestly say or is VERY challenging. To change your old habits and develop new ones takes patience, courage, perseverance, and strength. But not our own strength. We must rely on God to helps us make lasting change.

2 Corinthians 5:17, reminds us that God is all about change. When he saves us, he delivers us from what we used to be and brings us into a state of righteousness. He is all about helping us make changes that bring glory to his name.

So don’t give up on your progress. Even on those days where you may have missed the mark in your devotion, exercise and healthy eating, get back up and dust yourself off. Keep trying – you will succeed.

Keep Philippians 4:13, on you mind, your lips and in your heart. Repeat it to your self and be encouraged to press on.


Do a small Bible study before you go to bed. Grab a note book, a reference Bible, a dictionary, and your favorite worship music. Choose a chapter of your favorite book (I recommend James), and study. Don’t forget to start with prayer. Run references and take notes.


I love to search YouTube for different workout or walk videos. Things that I can do from home. Find a room with some space, find a video that interests you, and get moving. Remember our goal is to move for 20-30 minutes daily.

Healthy Eating:

Be courageous. Find interesting recipes that utilizes ingredients you do not normally eat. Make your meal an event. I found the following recipe on

Whatever you choose to eat, I hope you enjoy.

We are heading into day 5 with a great attitude!!

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