Day 3…21 Day Challenge

1 Corinthians 15:51, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

Happy Sunday!! It is Day 3 of our challenge. And no, we are not allowed a day off because it is Sunday.

Here are my recommendations for the day:


Get involved. Fully engage in your church’s worship service. Close your eye and really sing praises unto God. Go into a deeper place of worship than you normally do. I am sure you have heard “you get out what you put in”, and this is so very true. Pour out all you have to God, so he can replenish your reserves. Really pay attention to the preaches word, takes notes so you go over them later. Ask God to open your understanding to his word to a greater degree. Apply that word to your life.


Take a nice walk with your family. Spend 20-30 minutes out doors appreciating God’s goodness. A nice brisk walk to move your body, to wake up your joints and bones. To increase your heart rate and keep it there for at learn15 minutes. Then a normal walk speed to allow heart rate to go back to normal.

Healthy meal:

If you are anything like me, you don’t like to cook on Sunday’s. Select a restaurant that offers healthy food options and enjoy. Select a meal that you find appetizing, but one that is also healthy. Don’t over eat, but enjoy a healthy serving. Remember you do not need to clean your whole plate, but eat enough to be satisfied. Avoid the “stuffed” feeling altogether.

As you wind down for the day, take some time to meditate on the morning message. Take a moment to read and meditate on todays scripture 1 Corinthians 15:58. Ask God to reveal himself to you to a greater day.

Remember, our goal is to find our balance. A healthy relationship with God, with food and with our bodies. Once we have achieved this balance, we are in the right position to accomplish the will of God for our lives.

Have a blessed day!

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