Don’t Forget…You Are Blessed!!

Genesis 26:4

Some times life hits us so hard that we can forget who we are and who our Father is.

Many times I believe the who point of the troubles of our lives are to keep us so distracted and preoccupied that we forget

– that we are heirs and joint heirs with Christ.

– that God will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ.

– we are blessed in the city and blessed in the fields.

– the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

We must not forget that our Employer is blessed simply because we work there. With this in mind we can head into work knowing that we do not have to feel a sense of despair or desperation.

We are blessed and we can trust the God who has called us blessed. Once we convince ourselves of this, we walk differently. More confidently.

Our posture is stronger, more assured. Why? Because we finally remembered who we are and who our father is. We understand – to a certain extent – the depth of our blessings .

This sense of understanding is reflecting our trust in God!

You Are Blessed!!