The Power of a Renewed Mind…

Romans 8:6-7, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”

What is the mind? “the state of remembering or of being remembered : memory, recollection. call to mind. : the part of a person that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons. 3. : intention sense 1, desire.”

What is the mind of a person? “The mind can be defined as a person’s set of intellectual or mental faculties. The human mind refers to the group of cognitive psychiatric processes that includes functions like perception, memory, reasoning (executive functions), etc.

What is the mind in the Bible? “There are a great many words in both Hebrew and Greek that are translated “mind.” In the Old Testament, the word that is often translated “mind” is the word for “heart.” Sometimes the word heart refers to the actual physical organ, but many times it refers to the inner being—the seat of the will and the emotions. In the New Testament, the word kardia, the Greek word for “heart,” can also refer to the physical organ but is often translated “mind” as well.”

Scientist would have us to understand that the mind – when it is focused – extremely powerful. A person would be able make lasting changes. They could stop smoking, stop drinking, stop over eating, be more assertive, etc. And to some extent this is true.

However, anyone who as ever tried to make drastic changes in the their life can attest, we need more than a made up mind. We can make these changes for short bursts of time. Then the next thing we know, we fall back into old familiar habits and routines. People fall off the wagon, people regain weight, and we are left feeling worse off than we did before the change.

But God!! When God is involved the results are altogether different.

When the Holy Ghost comes and dwells within us, changes are a given. It is impossible to come into contact with God and remain the same. The Holy Ghost leads and guides us. We take on His nature and become more like Him. God strengthens us to live holy and upright before God.

But temptations come…

We are tempted when we are drawn away with our own lusts and enticed (James 1:14-16). However, the Holy Ghost strengthens us to withstand these temptation and to overcome. And eventually be completely delivered from the things that once caused us to fall.

The power of the Holy Ghost – if we allow it to work in us and on us – will strengthen us. Especially in moments of weakness. For when We are weak, He is strong. Indeed, God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). In our weakness we must lean wholly on the Holy Ghost to carry us through. On the other side of this is our victory and strength.

A Renewed Mind… comes from relying on the Holy Ghost. It is developed in meditating on the word of God, daily devotions in praise and worship, and practical application of the Bible in our lives. Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Our faith grows as we exercise it. We hear the word, apply it to our lives, and stand on it by faith.

With a renewed mind, we have power through the Holy Ghost, to make lasting changes.

But we must work on keeping our mind stayed on God. If we allow our mind to dwell on carnal things, we will eventually find ourselves powerless to fight off the enemy. The carnal mind will eventually lead to spiritual death. But a spiritual mind brings life and peace.

A Renewed Mind…allows us to please God.

Renew your mind and have a blessed day!

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