It’s A Blessing to Know…

Psalms 25:10, “All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies”

I like definitions because they provide a more complete understanding of words we use frequently. Sometimes we get a definition in mind and we tie it to a word, regardless of the speaker’s intentions. Looking at the full definition can provide a different perspective on a conversation or text.

Some quick definitions:

Path: the course or direction in which a person or thing is moving.

Mercy: the Bible defines mercy as forgiveness or withholding punishment. Webster defines mercy as compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.

Truth: that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. The Bible defines truth as this: God is truth!

Covenant: A covenant is a relationship between two partners who make binding promises to each other and work together to reach a common goal. They’re often accompanied by oaths, signs, and ceremonies. Covenants define obligations and commitments, but they are different from a contract because they are relational and personal.

Testimonies: evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.

I appreciate God so much!! In Jeremiah 29:11, we see that God has a plan or us and he intends to bring them to pass. Our covenant with him is that we will keep his commandments and share his testimony with others. We cannot be afraid or stingy is spreading the gospel (or Good New) of Jesus.

This covenant has inherent responsibilities and blessings. God sets us on a path that leads to him. As we walk this path he has laid out for us, we receive his mercy. But we must also be merciful to others. We receive his truth – his holy word. We must also share his truth to all.

Our walk with God is all about relationship. It is personal. It is just between God and the individual. However, the fruit that the relationship produces is a blessing to all who come into contact with it.

It is a blessing to know him. So much so that we cannot keep silent. The God dwelling on the inside compels us to share his testimonies. His is good and has been good to us – we much share what he has done. We must share that goodness. We give of ourselves (time, money, gifts and calling) to all who need, but as the Lord directs us.

One other definition I would like to share is keep. The dictionary defines keep as to have or retain possession of. In the Bible, Keep means to “guard,” “preserve,” “be faithful to,” and “maintain.”

To reap the benefits of this promise, we as believers MUST walk is this requirement. We must guard the word – hide it in our hearts. We must preserve it by sharing it freely, starting in our own home, then go outward. We must be faithful to what it says, what it requires. And finally, we must maintain. Ephesians 6:13-14, reminds us: having done all, to stand.

It is a blessing to know… that you can stand! God strengthens us to stand. We must take full advantage of every tool he provides to us for our victory.

Have a blessed day and stand!!

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