As We Head Into The New Year…

As we count down closer to the new year, here is some encouragement for 1 John!

Take a moment and real the book of 1 John. It is all about love and the power of love.

Love is something that we all need more and more!

Make a conscious effort to leave the failures and disappointments of this year in 2022.

Approach 2023 with an attitude of gratefulness and anticipation. Expected God to perform what he has promised you. Expect God to do what he said he would.

But also – in all of your expectations, make sure you are walking in obedience to his will. If you are, he promised he would withhold no good thing from you (Psalms 84:11).

God bless you and I pray that 2023 be a year of blessings and accomplishments for us all. I pray for your physical and financial health. I pray that we trust God above all else. Walk into your purpose for 2023, and be blessed!!

Happy New Year 2023!

Love Check…

1 John 4:7-8, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”

This is the holiday season. That time of year where we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

It is also during this season that the hearts of many are pricked to show love in a spirit of giving.

With that in mind, I though I share some things about love over the next couple of weeks. Love is powerful and can overcome anything!

God is love. Everything he does is motivated from his love. The Bible says in 1John 4:17, “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.”

We need to take strength from this great love and boldly do the work of Christ. And we can do so without fear and the torment of fear.

Sometimes people are so afraid of what “might” happen that they refuse to step out in faith and boldly do the will of God.

But there is power in God’s love!

The best part of that statement is this – we have complete access to this power!

When we make the choice to rest in God’s love we have the boldness we need to successfully navigate our walk with God. No matter where our walk takes us (great heights, or deeper depths) we can do it in the spirit of excellence

If we rest in God’s love and refuse to be halted by fear, there is nothing we cannot do. There will be no place we cannot go. There will be no people we are afraid to speak with. Why? Because the power of God’s love surrounds us!

To love God, is to love his people. No matter of what color, shape, size, ethnicity, or background. Christ died for all. We must love all.

So take a love check today and see where you stand.

1John 4:20-21, “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.”

It is impossible to say we love God, but hate people!

Make no mistake, “brother” is referring to the same people for whom Jesus died. You cannot hate people and say you love God. If you do, you make yourself a liar.

If you find yourself lacking in love…

Or you find that you have not been resting whole heartedly in God’s love…

It’s time to repent, and do better. Ask God for forgiveness, and set your will to love, and to show love.

Understand that it takes practice to love and to trust in God’s love. You may fail or fall down a few times. But don’t give up and don’t stay down. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and you will become victorious.

Love to you all!

Have a blessed day. And as always, we are here to pray with you. Contact us via email: