A Safe Place…

Sometimes life can seem overwhelming.

There are times when we just want close out the world be alone.

When it is time to step away, we must go to a place of safety.

It is awesome to know that we can run to God and be safe. We can find protection from the storms of life. We can be recharged, refilled, and renewed to resume the battle.

The thing that we don’t understand is that we can live a life IN the name of the Lord! We know that the name of the Lord is Jesus. And Acts 17:28, tell us that IN him do we live, move, and have our being.

If we walk according to this scripture we should also walk in peace and safety because we already in him. Ephesians tells us to put on the whole armor of God. A part of the armor is specialized footwear – our feet are shod with the gospel of peace. Everywhere we go, we walk in peace.

The enemy is busy throwing things at us left and right, that we often forget who we are. This lapse in memory causes us to feel anxiety and to be overwhelmed.

It was essential for the children of Israel to take stone out of the Red Sea after God brought them forth on dry ground. Remember the story of Moses. The stones were to build a memorial to the miracle that God did for them. We need something to jog our memory.

So after spending time in the battle and dealing the time and chance of life, it can become easy to forget. But if we have the memorial, when we look at it we also remember.

A safe place is remembering…

– just how the Lord brought you out.

– just how “impossible” the situation seemed

– just how people gave up on you and walked away.

– just how the Lord spoke to you, that it would be okay.

– the joy in your heart when he did the impossible

If the did it them, he can certainly do it now.

All it takes is a memory. As the old folks used to say, when I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me…your soul will cry out too!

Are you feeling sad, anxious, overwhelmed or burdened? What have you forgotten?

Take the time to stroll down memory lane. Remember all the great things God has done in your life, and be encouraged.

We serve a God who does not change. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). If he was good then, he is good now. If he was a provider then, he is a provider now. If he was a healer then, he is a healer now.

A safe place … call on his name. Remember what he has already done. Thank him for the miracle you need right now, and trust him to bring it to pass.

Then rest in his strong name and stand it peace. This is the safe place!

Have a blessed night!

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