My Saturday Attitude

The sun is shining and no clouds in the sky.

We have come through challenge after challenge. Some great soldiers fell along the way.

But through it all God has not left us. He has been there providing shelter, and protection seen and unseen.

So even though things may not be perfect, I can still rest safely in his arms.

I make a conscious choice to rejoice in the God of my salvation and trust to him. I choose to remember what he has done – to strengthen my faith to believe him for the things that I need.

What a mighty God we serve!

So make it a great Saturday. Go out and enjoy what God has made, what God has freely give us. Be wise. Act responsibly. Move with intention. Occupy until he comes.

Remind yourself continually that God has your back and has never let you down.

What is your Saturday attitude?

It’s Time to Resist

James 1:14-15, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

By definition, is a passionate desire for something. A sensual appetite regarded as sinful.

There is a saying, “sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more then you want to pay.” This is a true saying.

It is time to resist!

What you are fighting with is a distraction that is tailored to you specifically. It is a time waster. As long as the enemy can keep your attention and focus on the thing you list after, you are incapable of effectively doing what God has called you.

Picture a hamster running on a wheel, going nowhere. He is busy, spending a lot of energy and time, but accomplishing nothing.

The enemy seems to come at you with your own specific list at a crucial time. A time when you are on the cusp of moving deeper into God. Reaching a level where you have never been before in Him.

It’s time to resist!

God is awesome! He gives you the answers to the test even before you take it. We just have to recognize that you are in a test (or fight), the use the keys to escape. God promised to always provide a way to escape!

The answer is simple – Resist.

To resist is withstand the action or effect of.

We can always identify when we are faced with the opportunity to give into to that desire or lust to do our “special” thing. Remember it is tailored to you. Is is wrapped in a pretty bow that you find attractive. But you must resist!

We must weigh a temporary pleasure against the gratification of knowing you don’t have to fall or given. Weigh the guilt or shame against the joy of knowing you were obedient to the call and anointing on your life. Knowing that you made the choice and pleased God. Weigh the impact you had on the lives of others because you remained where God needed you. Rather than taking a detour in selfishness that occupied your time, kept you busy, distracted to the point where God was on the back burner.

Time is winding up. We must work while it is day. We cannot afford detours and unnecessary distractions that do not profit us or edify the body of Christ. Romans 8 tells us that people are waiting for us to take our place. They need us to operate within the gifting and anointing God has deposited in us. They are depending on our light to shine in their darkness. Illuminating the Christ. Letting them know if God can deliver us, he can deliver them too.

God has designed us to be victorious. Stop being a victim and grab your victory!

So resist! Do not give in! Fight the good fight of faith. You are needed. You are very necessary to someone else’s survival. God called you to be a light. Let it shine bright to draw people. But we can only do this when we are in our proper place.

If you find yourself in a struggle with lust. Take a deep breath and shake yourself. Simply resist. Don’t give in, say “no more.”Avoid people, places, and things that are attached to object(s) of your lust. Sometimes a good run is better than a bad stand. Run away from it than to weakly stand by it. Because you will give in. Separate yourself until you are stronger. Ask God to deliver you completely. As you resist, the devil will flee from you. Why? Because in your resistance, you begin to submit yourself to God. At this point, the only thing the enemy can do is flee. Because now you have the host of heaven behind you, protecting you. Who or what can stand up against that?

It’s time to RESIST!

Have a blessed day!