Speak Life…

Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Mark 11:23, “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

By definition, to speak is to say something in order to convey information, an opinion, or a feeling. To have a conversation. To utter.

Speak life…

Your verbal communication is precious and extremely powerful. The Bible says the mouth speaks what is in the heart (Luke 6:45). The very world we exist in is created by God’s word. Genesis tells us that God said “let there be..” and it was then, still is today. The word that God spoke in the beginning is still working now and will continue to do so until he causes them to cease. John 6:63, tells us that God’s words are spirit and LIFE!

Our words are important! We can choose to speak life or we can choose to speak death. Negativity is easy. The world is full of it. What is challenging, is be positive in the face a of what seems like a negative situation.

The Bible tells us that all things work together for our good (Romans 8). In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (1 Thessalonians 5:18). To be clear we are not thankful for the bad things that happen. But in the midst of these things, we can always give thanks to God. For he is always worthy of our praise, and he is always good!

Speak life…

It’s all about perspective. What is the point in dwelling and wallowing in the negative things happening? It leads to depression, sadness and poor health. In contrast, choosing to be positive and see good lifts the spirit and bring joy to the soul. More importantly, the light of this perspective is contagious. It spills onto those around us. Just as negativity is a cancerous spirit, that will infect those around it. Positivity will uplift and encourage those around it.

Once you have chosen positivity, you must carefully speak your world into existence. Just as God said “let there be” we must also speak (create) or shape our individual world too.

Just because we see and recognize negative things occurring around us, we don’t need to speak or validate them. What we can do is bind it in the name of Jesus, curse it at its root, and cast it out in Jesus’ name. Then we loose what we desire in it’s place. And we speak only that positive thing through faith. For example, for sickness or disease, we would bind the spirit of infirmity which is trying to attack the body, and loose God’s healing virtue in its place. And moving forward we only speak healing.

We serve a God who watches over his word to perform it. When God sees us standing on his word by faith. He will perform that word on our behalf. He is faithful and cannot deny his word!

Speak life…

God is waiting to move, but he can only go as far as our faith will allow him to go in our lives. God is not moved by your emotions, but he is moved by your faith. When he sees your great faith he moves to perform what that faith requires.

So if you speak little, he can only do little. If you speak big, you give God room to do big. But it must be by faith, and not just words. What touches God – the faith that gives power to your words. God knows the difference between true faith and lip service.

Just like you know the difference, when you speak, if your words are covering your doubt (because some of us know how to talk a good game). And when you are speaking from a foundation real faith. Yes, there are those times when we have to “fake it until we make it.” But the purpose of that exercise is to strengthen your faith. Because at some point you are to mature to a place of faith. Where you are no longer faking it. Your faith is real.

Speak life…

Practice makes perfect. Keep working at it, you will get there. Your faith will increase and God will move.

Have a blessed day.

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