Dwell and Abide

Psalms 91:1, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

What is “secret place”? According to Psalms 31:20, the secret place is found in God’s presence. Access to this secret place requires faith (Hebrew 11:6). You must come to God in faith. To enter God’s presence, we must have an attitude of worship- reverence and adoration – toward him. The secret place is not a physical location, although we may have a favorite place to be when seeking God.

Dwell definition:

1 : to remain for a time. 2a : to live as a resident. 2b : exist. 3a : to keep the attention directed.

Abide definition:

1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state. 2 : to continue in a place . 3 : to conform to (abide by the rules). 4 : to accept without objection (abide by your decision).

Through relationship with God – Spending intimate time with him getting to know him. We learn what it is to please him and to do his will. We also find there are levels to the relationship. Levels to our life, our walk with him. We grow from faith to faith, from glory to glory. We learn or earn this knowledge by our faith and trust in him being tried by fire – the trials of life.

God reveals himself to us more and more as we draw closer to him. We are able to draw closer as we make the choice to seek his presence. See Psalms 16:11.

Psalms 16:11, tells us that when we are in God’s presence he is able to direct our life, and find we have access to the joy of the Lord – our strength.

Through this exposure to God – triggers our desire to remain there. To live a life that is enhanced, even ordered by the anointing that comes from God’s continual presence and influence.

That is why Psalms 91:1 starts with “he that dwelleth…” it is a treasure that not everyone will find or even desire to find. But is a place that is free to all, and even recommended to all.

The word “secret” denotes the fact that it is hidden, and may require a journey on the seekers part to find.

The saying is true – anything worth having is worth working for. Because once you find what you have been searching for you will care for it, reverence and respect it. You will guard it to keep it. Once the “secret” place has been found you will desire to remain there.

For this reason we must understand what it means to dwell and abide.

To dwell in the secret place can be done for a specific period of time. Or you can make you residence there. Or it can be the act of allowing God’s presence to keep your attention focused on him. None of these options come easily. They all require work and practice to maintain. They require faith, love, and trust in God.

Once you determine how you will dwell, you must also choose to abide by what is revealed in God’s presence.

You can never come into God’s presence without being changed. He has a way of making us better. Our exchange is that we must choose if the change will be permanent. Or if we will revert back to the old man.

The benefit, however, to dwelling in the secret place, also brings the beauty of abiding. God’s power, mercy and grace allows us to remain stable and fixed, so that we are able to continue with him. We are able to conform to his will, and to accept it without objection.

My prayer for us all is that we find that secret place in God. Once found, that we choose to dwell and abide there!

Have a blessed day.

God Is Still in Control…

Psalms 27:13-14

“13. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

14. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

Psalms 24:6

“This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.”

Psalms 24:1

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

Ownership, by definition is the act, state, or right of possessing something.

The Bible tells us that God created heaven and earth. God gave man the responsibility of keeping it according to his instructions. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, through acts of disobedience, relinquished this honor of administration. But ownership still remains with God.

Today, people and events would have us to believe that the world is in chaos. Where there are no rules, like living in a high tech version of the old west. Where the villain who carries the biggest and fastest gun can rule the town. However that is not the case.

Yes, things are very hard, and very challenging times. So much so that if we don’t keep our eyes on God, we can be lost. Left to fall into disrepair.

As I have said many times, the best place to find yourself is in praise and worship. By taking the focus off ourselves, and choosing rather to see God. Taking time to thank him for who he is and what he has done, has a way of putting things into perspective. This clarity frees us. It eases our burdens. Not because they are gone, but the time spent in God’s presence strengthens us to bear what we must. See Psalms 24:6.

This perspective helps us to take heart and know that God is still in control.

Psalms 24:1 tells us that the world still belongs to God. He has a plan and he is working it out in the earth. God is working his plan in and through us. God’s purpose has always been to bring his people back to him.

This current generation is full of seekers. Some are seeking God to draw closer to him, to know him better. Others are seeking a freedom that does not necessarily involve God. They want to be free to live as they choose without responsibility to anyone else. Unfortunately for them, we are our brother’s keeper. We must understand that what we do does impact other people. So we must act with responsibility, looking to the future.

A part of our duty as believers is to pray. We pray for our leaders, we pray that God heals the land in every way. Our prayers can cause God to move on the hearts of people. Our prayers can save those that are lost. Our prayers can cause these seekers to turn to God.

God has not lost his ownership of this world.

Our struggle is to remember that God is ever in control. Even when things go sideways or totally opposite of what we hoped or wanted. God is still in control. Romans 8:28 says that ALL things work for our good. It does not say that all things are good. It simply means that in every situation God is able to pull some good out of it in our favor.

Yes, bad situations arise (time and chance happens to us all, Ecclesiastes 9:11) for us all. But they are not meant to kill us. Rather, they are meant to show us who we are, who we serve, and that he is able. As Psalms 27:13-14 says, we are not designed to faint. We are built to believe and to endure. To wait on the Lord who always causes us to triumph.

So be encouraged. Understand that your current situation is not your end. It is an opportunity to see God. To recognize his hand at work in your life. To stand strong in praise and worship, and to watch God move.

Have a blessed day!