You Are an Overcomer!

1John 5:4

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

By definition, an overcomer is a person who overcomes something: one who succeeds in dealing with or gaining control of some problem or difficulty.

We all face difficulties- every day. Some even struggle not to allow emotions, pain and sorrow to swallow them whole. The struggle is real. However, there is our God, who is faithful. God placed in us all that overcoming spirit!

As easy as it would be to give into the difficulties and struggles of life, God has made us fighters! He has give us that special seed of faith that allows a glimmer of hope to flicker in our hearts.

It is our duty, our choice, to reach for that flicker, that glimmer and exercise our faith. We have to choose to be an overcomer!

Once we make the choice we then have to fight the good fight of faith.

The hardest part is actually making the choice! One the choice is made, it is that faith fight that invigorates our spirit and encourages our heart!

We take joy in delving into God’s word to pull out our fighting ammunition. We bask in God’s presence in praise and worship to gain strength – and we keep fighting!

Before we even understand what has happened we have already overcame the struggle! This is praise worthy!

You are an overcomer!

Do not allow anyone make you see your self as anything less! Let the voice of God speak louder in your spirit, in your ear, over the voice of every lying spirit!

You are an overcomer!

Have a blessed day!!

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