The Benefit of Service…

1 John 3:22-23

“And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.”

God is an amazing God, who loves us and desires to bless us abundantly!

We talked previously of obedience and God requires that from us above all. Including any gift or sacrifice we would bring him. To obey God’s word, to keep his commandments is the biggest indicator of our love toward him. Beyond that is to love his people, or all those that he loves and those for whom he died. It is safe to say this includes everyone.

Because God knows his children, he understands it is challenging to love some. He is also faithful to us. Obedience affords us answered prayers. It is not payment it is a benefit. It is about our character.

The child of God, who walks according to his word, can have the assurance that whatsoever he/she asks of God will be received.

It’s about spiritual growth. Just as Solomon prayed before God asking for wisdom to govern his people Israel. Because his request was not selfishly for riches, God gave him both. It was the character of Solomon that pleased God.

For us, as we walk with God exercising obedience, faith and love, God is also working on us. He is molding, shaping, and pruning us. The things we go through on this journey is purging character flaws from us along the way. Because we are becoming better, our heart and intentions are lining up with God’s will. Therefore the things that we ask will reflect this new man.

2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

This newness translates into new wants and desires. If we examine ourselves and see who we are now after having time walking with God, versus the old man; that person we used to be. Hopefully we will see a huge godly change.

This is a benefit of serving God!

True change is possible. But to be honest, it is only through God that it is lasting.

We can change on our own for a time. But generally speaking when a challenge comes to test if the change is real, we tend to revert to old ways. How many times have we seen people try quit smoking, lose weight, stop being mean, stop lying, or other character flaws on their own. Only to revert back, gain more weight, or just get even worse in general?

However, when God does it, the change is everlasting and can withstand the test of time and any challenge that comes against it

It is the “in God” aspect that causes us to become new. Only then does the old man pass away. This includes the make up or character of that old man. This is true change!

This is the benefit of serving God!

So, come to God and be new. Come to God, serve him, please him, and receive whatsoever you ask. The new man will ask for things that will please and glorify God.

Have a blessed day!

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