The Times We Live In…

Matthew 24:22

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened ”

The times we live in many are concerned about government leadership, the safety and equality of being stopped by the police, and being able to provide for their families. These are important and justifiable concerns. But don’t let your concern translate to fear. But rather allow it to exercise and increase your faith in God.

The times we live in is nothing new for God. He was always aware of the evilness of the hearts of men and what they are capable of. But God has always had provision for his people built into his plan.

For you (for us all), God has shortened the days so that we can make it.

In the mean time, do your best (your civic duty) by making yourself aware, voting, praying for our leadership of every kind, and by praying in general.

Yes, God is in control and is working on our behalf. But this does not excuse us from the responsibility he placed on us. We must (as never before) fast, pray, seek God, spend time with God, and show the love of God to everyone. Especially to those who would rather see you dead. We are the only reflection of God people will ever see.

We do not have the luxury of giving up or giving in to despair.

In the times we live in, we need to truly be that light – set up on a hill that cannot be hid. Shining that beacon of (love) light to everyone. Letting the world know, that even in the times we live, there is still hope.

Hope in God!

Have a great day!!

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