Sad, But True

Romans 1:32 (but read entire chapter for context).

“Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. ”

It is sad, but true…

We all have encountered people who know God. The understand the basic truth about what God requires and expects from his people. Yet, this knowledge does not change the way they live their lives.

Before you jump on the judgement bandwagon, understand that you were there before too, and (from time to time) you may visit there again.

The difference between us and them is grace.

Somewhere along the line, we chose God. We chose to live for him. Ands we must continue to make this choice everyday. Why? Because everyday we face temptations or opportunities that would take us into a wrong direction. Remember, this scripture talks about people who knew the truth of God at one point, but then changed it into a lie. Sad, but true.

Who we are in Christ

It is important that we not rundown the person who is in this downward spiral. We are called to restore, to reconciliation. The Bible tells us that when we have been strengthened to turn around and strengthen our brother. And to restore in the spirit of meekness.

We may not be able to change this type of person’s mind with the words we say. However, we can pray for them. Understand there is power in prayer. The same God that changed us can change anyone. God is able to move on the hearts of people to cause a change that will astonish those who knew the “before” and witness the “after.”

We serve a God who is able to do the impossible.

Sad, but true…

We live in a world that is evil continually. This world needs us to be the people of God that we profess to be.

It’s time to live up to who we are in Christ.

Have a blessed night!

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