Who’s Next to You?

Proverbs 27:17

“Iron sharpeneth iron;

so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. ”

A lot of the times our progress in life can be measured against the people we spend our time with.

It is more than being an unequally yoked relationship.

The saying “birds of a feather flock together” is true.

It’s self evaluation time:

Who are you hanging around?

What are their interests and goals?

Do they push to do greater?

Can you glean from them?

Do they love God like you do?

Are they walking by faith to please God? Or is that not a priority for them?

Look at the people you spend time with. Are they there to sharpen you? Or do they not add any value to your life?

Then finally ask yourself why? Why have you chosen to spend your precious time with them?

Sometimes the answer is as simple as being afraid of where God is trying to take you. This is also called self sabotage.

Get over it!

Repent. Then ask God to deliver you from that stagnant place. Ask God to give you the zeal and drive to do better. As God is pulling you along, ask him to place someone in your life that can mentor you or sharpen you. Someone who is already going the direction you want to. and encourages you to do better.

Then When you are strengthened, turn around and help someone else. We are our brother’s keeper. We need one another. Sharpen someone else.

Have a blessed day.

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