Seek God, Be Free

Psalms 34:4

I sought the Lord, and he heard me,

and delivered me from all my fears.

The best way to get over your road/stumbling block is to talk to God. Tell God about your fears, your weaknesses, your temptations, your failures, your sins, etc.

Yes, God already knows all about them. But the act of your uncovering yourself before God accomplishes some important things.

1. It tells God you acknowledge your wrong.

2. It shows you are not trying to hide from him.

3. It reflects your understanding of the importance of your mission. Your willingness not to let anything stop you.

4. It shows God that you need help, and are ready to be delivered.

5. (Because nothing is truly done in secret), it shows the world that even though we fall, we do not have to stay there.

Once you have uncovered yourself before God he is now able to touch your issues and deliver you. Fear is rebuked, during the uncovering process. For it is fear that keeps us from doing the will of God.

As we talk to God about everything we are going through, it is our trust in that perfect love of God that brings our deliverance. God’s perfect love casts fear and her torments (1 John 4:18). Whether we realize it or not, it is the torments of fear that we restless with. It is the torments of fear that we allow to hold us back.

So seek God, and be free.

Once you are free there is nothing that can stop you from doing the will of God.

Speak and Command

Mark 11:23

Proverbs 18:10
There are times in our lives when we go through heave battle. Our emotions are high, stress is kicking in, threatening to overwhelm us.
Be encouraged, because the God we serve understands exactly what it feels like to be wrapped in this fleshly body (Hebrews 4:15). He hungered, thirst, got angry (Matthew 21:12-13), experienced sorrow and grief (John 11:35-36), and felt overwhelmed (Matthew 26:39). Jesus was our example. Even in the throws of such emotions, he relied on the father, the truth/power of his word and promise, and his will being done. Jesus never from his mission. He went on with what he was came here to accomplish – to redeem lost man.
Just as Jesus went on, so must we. We all have callings, anointing, and assignments that we must fulfil for the cause of Christ. We do not have the luxury of giving up, or running away. God has called us to stand and fight. He always causes us to triumph. We are guaranteed the victory, God just needs us to remain willing soldiers. He gave us the armor – told us to put on daily – to stand and withstand the attack of the enemy.
Just as Just example showed us, when trouble comes and emotions rise, we are to fall back on the Word of God! Why, because it strengthens us and provides instruction in righteousness. Because we are not allowed to fall apart during the test, God gave us is awesome name. Proverbs 18:10 lets us know that the awesome name of Jesus is a strong tower. Where we are able to run into and find safety. I can call on his name and the peace of God that passes all understanding, keeps my heart and mind. Combine that with the armor that God has given (Ephesian 6:10-18), we are set up for victory. All that remains to do is SPEAK.
We speak the word. Just as Jesus used the holy scriptures to rebuke Satan, we must do the same. The bible tells us that we should (John 8:32, John 17:17). We must know the word of God to be effective in battle. We must speak to our circumstances. Every situation in our lives that does not line up with God’s will, we must speak to it and command. Just has Jesus commanded in Mark 11:23, we must do just that. These situations that have become mountains to us, we must speak the word of God and command them to obey. This requires our faith to be in action. 
Why? Because the circumstance may not change right away. Our faith is required to see beyond our “right now”, and see the promise of God in action. We must stand in expectation. We expect (by faith) that the things we have spoken will come to pass. We speak, the stand in expectation through praise, until God brings it to pass. You must stand assured that God WILL bring it to pass, no doubt. So speak, and don’t stop! Speak to your body, command health. Speak to you finances, command wealth, speak to your city, command those that God called you to be receptive and responsive. Speak to your ministry, command increase because God adds to the church daily such as should be saved. Keep speaking, and do not stop. As long as there is breath in your body, there are things that you need to speak to. 
Do not choose to settle for less than that which God has promised.
Do not settle for less that God’s will for your life.
Speak and live!

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My Safe Place

The love of God that passes all understanding. It brings peace, calm, and safety.

Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower:

the righteous runneth into it, and is safe ”

Fall into God’s arms and call on his name. That is all you need.

Enough said!!

Have a blessed night.

Who’s Next to You?

Proverbs 27:17

“Iron sharpeneth iron;

so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. ”

A lot of the times our progress in life can be measured against the people we spend our time with.

It is more than being an unequally yoked relationship.

The saying “birds of a feather flock together” is true.

It’s self evaluation time:

Who are you hanging around?

What are their interests and goals?

Do they push to do greater?

Can you glean from them?

Do they love God like you do?

Are they walking by faith to please God? Or is that not a priority for them?

Look at the people you spend time with. Are they there to sharpen you? Or do they not add any value to your life?

Then finally ask yourself why? Why have you chosen to spend your precious time with them?

Sometimes the answer is as simple as being afraid of where God is trying to take you. This is also called self sabotage.

Get over it!

Repent. Then ask God to deliver you from that stagnant place. Ask God to give you the zeal and drive to do better. As God is pulling you along, ask him to place someone in your life that can mentor you or sharpen you. Someone who is already going the direction you want to. and encourages you to do better.

Then When you are strengthened, turn around and help someone else. We are our brother’s keeper. We need one another. Sharpen someone else.

Have a blessed day.

Sunday Encouragement

Ephesians 3:20

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

We do not have to be careful about what we ask from God. He is a God of abundance. He is the God of the overflow. He will never run out of anything when it comes to his children. As creator, he can do what needs to be done.

Do not be afraid to think big.

Do not be afraid to ask God to enlarge your territory.

If his power is at work in you, the sky, moon, and stars are the limit. Go for it!!

Have a blessed Sunday.

Where is Your Focus?

Hebrew 11:11

“Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. ”

This is a familiar story. Sara wanted a child, but was not able to conceive because her womb was barren. Then God came along and told her she was going to bare a son.

I can only imagine that this news blew her mind. As much as she wanted this very thing, she had to acknowledge all the things stacked against her. She was old, she was barren, and she was afraid to hope because she could not bear to de disappointed again.

She was focused on the wrong things.

But God is faithful, that which he promised he is able also to perform (Romans 4:21). Once Sara shifted her focus off the impossibleness of her situation she was able to see God.

Distractions. That is what the enemy uses to keep our focus off of God. If he can keep us preoccupied with symptoms, we will never get to the root of the matter.

The root of the matter is this: our God IS created of the world. He is Lord over all, including your situation and issues. We have to stop looking at things, and see God. Once we do this, we can testify just like Sara – the God who made the promise is FAITHFUL!

He will do just as he said.

Those promises you have received of him, don’t give up on them. Dust them off and hold them up before God. Let him know that you remember. Not only that you remember, but that you believe that he will bring it to pass. Activate your faith and declare those promises every day, thanking God for them by faith.

No matter what, keep your focus on the God of the promise. The thing promised must come to pass, because God, who promised, is faithful.

Where is YOUR focus?

My Confidence

1 John 5:14-15

“14. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

15. And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”

Faith is an awesome thing.

It can move mountains, it makes what we first thought to be impossible, possible. It grows from level to level, it allows us to accomplish great things. We receive healing and deliverance through it. We draw closer to God, and understand more about God though it.

Confidence is defied as,

1. the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.

2. the state of feeling certain about the truth of something.

3. a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.

Communion (intimate relationship) with God brings a confidence that is unshakable. When this God-given confidence is mixed with faith in Christ, we are unstoppable, spiritually speaking.

As his children, God wants us to talk him about everything. He wants us to ask him for the things we need, just any any good father does. But God takes it farther than our natural father. God encourages us to know him through his word (his will). Our prayers should be in line with his word (his will).

When we are in line, we can ask God for anything. We can ask in confidence knowing not only that he has heard our prayer, but that we also have the thing(s) we asked for.

Once I know that I have the thing(s) I petitioned God for, I walk in faith until the full manifestation is come (Hebrews 11:1). I walk as though I have it now. That “now” faith of Hebrews.

This is the my confidence.

The same confidence that strengthens our soul. The confidence that is shown in Hebrews 11, by Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.

Where is your confidence? Or more accurately, do you have this same confidence?

If your answer is not an immediate “yes” then I encourage you to make a change.

Get in a rush to know God through his word. For heaven and earth will pass away, but the word of God stands sure. It will never change.

Get your confidence that word through faith in God. He will not disappoint or let you down.

Be blessed by the word of God!

To Remind Myself…

I am never alone…

God is ever with me providing strength and courage to go forth and accomplish the things he has given be to do.

I can do all things through Christ because he strengthens me.

Every passion I have that brings glory to God is from God. It was birthed in me – God trusted me with the vision – because he designed me to triumph victoriously.

What a great God we serve!!

Exactly What I Need…

Psalms 16:11

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life:

in thy presence is fulness of joy;

at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. ”

Have you ever felt the need to just sit in God’s presence?

It’s not that you need anything in particular. Or even going through some great heavy storm. It’s just because he is my father, he loves me, and he knows me better than anybody. It is impossible to articulate what I need, but I do know that it is in his presence.

That’s how I feel tonight, right now.

It is wonderful to know that I don’t have to travel any great distance to find him. He is ever present with me. I can go to my “secret place” and just meditate on him. Worship for him fills my heart, my mind, and then spills out of my mouth.

Our God is a great God!

If you are up and reading this post, I encourage you to take some time to spend with God. Just you and him. Forget about everything, let it go for a few moments, and have a sweet communion with God. For in his presence is fullness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Afterward, I guarantee that even though your situation may not have changed, but your attitude toward it will have changed. The Bible “says as a man thinketh so is he.” So once you change your attitude toward what you are dealing with or going through, you will have also positioned yourself for the victory. Everything you need is in God’s presence.

Find your victory in God!