What are you positioning yourself for?

Today’s Message, “What are you Positioning Yourself For…”

II Kings 2:9-15

By definition. To Position is to put, place, locate, situate, set, site, stand, or station.

It is also to put or arrange someone or something in a particular place or way.

The story of Elijah and Elisha.

Elijah’s name means the Lord is my God.

Elijah was a prophet and a miracle worker who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of king Ahab. Elijah was a man who heard God, he walked in obedience, prayer warrior, and he expected miracles, always.

The scripture text is during the time when the Lord would take Elijah into heaven by a world wind. Elijah was aware that God was soon to take him away. Elisha was a faithful servant, but nevertheless he needed to be worth of the mantle that Elijah carried. He needed to be tested. 3 times Elijah encouraged Elisha to remain while Elijah went on to do the work that needed to be done. And 3 times Elisha refused to leave Elijah’s side. Elisha said, “said as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee.”

Then after the 3rd test Elijah asked Elisha what do you want before I’m taken away? Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing. Elijah said if you see me taken up then you will receive it, if not then you won’t receive it. While they were talking there appears a chariot of fire, horses of fire and Elijah went up. And Elisha saw it.

Elisha positioned himself to receive the very thing we wanted.

There is an important lesson to learn from Elisha. We all need (and want) things from God. The question is, are you (or have you) positioned yourself to receive?

Elisha was obedient and faithful. On top of that he was honest with himself and with Elisha.

He did the following:

1. Elisha knew what he wanted. You need to know what you want too.

2. He asked for it. You need to be direct with what you too.

3. He waited on it. Wait on the Lord- don’t get discouraged, don’t give up.

4. He was tested by Elijah 3 times. Understand you will be tested too.

5. He was in position, Elisha was where he needed to be to receive what he wanted. Get in position. Some of us are in the wrong place. That’s why we haven’t received from the Lord.

6. He did not leave the sight of Elijah. Don’t you leave God’s side.

People are going to witness what God is doing for you. They will say I was there when she received her promotion, I was there when he received his blessing. God will bless you openly.

What are you positioning yourself for?

If you are unable to answer this question, examine yourself. What do you need from the Lord? Have you been obedient and faithful to God?

The first step in positioning your self to receive is repentance. Ask God to forgive you, then walk in obedience. From here, know what you want or need from God. Then put yourself in the place to receive.

The choice is up to you. Just as Elisha had the option to leave Elijah several times, but chose rather to stay and serve. We have the same choice.

What are you positioning yourself for?

Sovereign God

God does things because he is God. He knows how to orchestrate circumstances to bring us to the place where we need to be. He will bring his will to pass.

He knows how to take a barren woman, give her a child, and deliver his children all at the same time. He does it in a way where only he can get the glory. Judges 13:2-5.

Have you ever said, “God, if you don’t do it than it cannot be done?” Before you know it, God has made a way. He is the God of miracles.

Our job is to walk in obedience and not to forget to tell of his goodness.

Judges 13:15-20.

Manoah wanted to detain the angel of the lord so he could dress a kid. Manoah did not know it was an angel of the Lord. The angel warned him he would not eat and told him if he made a burnt offering to off it to the Lord only.

All honor goes to God – period.

Why is it hard for us to believe that God is in control?

Why is it hard to accept the things that he speaks to us? Especially when it is something we have repeatedly asked God for…

Trust God.

Trust his word.

Take him at his word.

The Bible says every good and every perfect gift comes from God. The good that we experience, the blessings, the promotions, etc. come from God. He alone is worthy of the praise.

It is appropriate to thank people for their kindness and assistance. But understand the driving force behind their good deeds is God.

He is worthy!!

Your Attitude = Your Altitude

Psalms 118;24

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

You have a choice to make. You can have a great day, or not. It is totally up to you. It is all in your perspective. It is in how to choose to react to people and situations.

Regardless of the circumstances today is a blessing. You are awake, alive, and in your right mind. It is the day that the Lord has made and given to you to conquer.

People will try you, come against you, lie on you, or hurt you in any other manner. That is something you cannot control.

However, you can totally control how you react. Instead of being defensive, go on the offense and score a winning point for your team.

How do we do this?

We view it as God does. We pray for those that would come against us, and love them in-spite of their actions. It is an opportunity for God to get the glory. We don’t react immediately. Instead, we Look at the situation objectively, and ask, “what would Jesus do?” Or “what does the Bible say about this?” Then we act accordingly.

By doing this, our day is still great, God has received the glory, the enemy has suffered another devastating blow, and we have helped the other people involved see God. To me, that is a great day.

Your attitude does determine your altitude (or how high you can go spiritually speaking). Soar with eagles.

Choose to have a blessed day, then go forth and conquer!

A Message to Myself …

– Stop talking your self out of what God has ordained

– Speak what God speaks

– Believe the things God has spoken in your ear

– Walk in obedience

– Exercise your faith more

– Commit to the plan (course of action) God has outlined for you.

– Rebuke fear

– Remove doubter (haters) from your sphere

– Walk in love, Always! Let it be your motivation

– Finally, as Nike says – Just do it. After all, it is God’s will for you.

Have a blessed day!

Thought of the Day

Do you know or are you still hoping?

When you are fully persuaded and extend (and strengthen) your faith, you will see God truly work wonders in your life.

Give Yourself A Break

With the current social and political climate of today, it is very easy to finds yourself apprehensive just leaving your home. Add to the the normal stresses and issues of our individual lives, and the door is open to fear.

Fear brings torments, and steals joy, peace of mind, and calm. It clouds your faith so you no longer trust God to the degree you once did.

But there is a remedy.

Praise and worship elevates your mind. It removes YOU from the center of your focus and places God in that spot (where he should have already been).

Praise allows your mind to let go of everything that would burden you. It’s allows you to let go The the things that would weigh you down. Praise allows you to unwind. Why? Because you are not focusing on yourself. We are naturally self centered people. However, when we praise God, we let go of this natural inclination.

As you enter into praise, it may take a little time to let go of things. You mind will tend to ponder things or run rampant. But don’t be discouraged. Keep praising through this and intentionally put your mind on God. Eventually you will loose yourself in praise.

Be specific in your praise. Think of all be has done for you. All of he has delivered you from. All of the things you are expecting to receive. Just thank him. Pour it all out in your praise.

There is power in your praise.

Psalms 22:3, tells us that God inhabits our praises. This means that whenever I need God to show up in a powerful way, I just praise him. The way God shows up is always right and exactly what we need.

Most of the time we think that God needs to change the situation. However, most of the time when God shows up he changes us, not the situation. When WE are changed, the situation is always better.

Praise is contagious. It is almost impossible for an observer not to take part in some way. More importantly, the blessings of praise has a tendency to fall on those that are in close proximity.

Praise has a natural progression. It leads to worship.

There are multiple benefits of worship.

Most importantly is worship allows us to connect with God in a deeper level. It is an intimate communication. You enter into a space that is reserved for you and God alone. This is where worship differs from praise. Everything that has breath is commanded to praise (Psalms 150). But to truly worship God involves spirit and truth (John 4:24).

Flesh is humbled, must bow down, and our spirit connects to God. This means that if you do not have the Holy Spirit abiding on the inside, you are unable to worship according to John 4:24.

However, seek to receive this free gift of God. He desires to dwell in you and be your strength. He desires to give you his spirit so that you can overcome the enemy of your soul.

Once you are in worship God is able to speak to you, and you are in a place to hear and understand. In worship you find direction, correction, and instruction. God prepares you in worship. He prepares you to face everything you must in order to accomplish all that he has ordained for you.

Every believer needs this!

So give yourself a break and make praise and worship a part of your daily routine.

Be blessed.

It’s All About Love and Discernment

In all things we are to operate in love – Godly love. But we are also to be wise as a serpent, yet harmless as a dove (Matthew 10:16), because we are sent out among wolves.

Judges 8:1-3

People want a part of your victory after the battle is over. But they are no where to be found when the battle is raging.

It is the duty of the believer to walk in wisdom and discernment. We need to identify who we are dealing with and have the wisdom to deal with them appropriately. James 1:5 tells us if we lack wisdom, ask God and he will liberally give it to you.

Judges 8:4-9

People are not willing to go out on a limb to assist you. If the victory has not yet been fully realized, the faith and trust you have in God for the victory is not shared by all.

People may want to be delivered, but are not willing to do what it takes to receive it. Every one is not your ally. Most are waiting to see the outcome of the battle, and give their support after the fact IF you win.

Just as Gideon destroyed men of Succoth and Penuel, after he secured the victory. They we unwilling to assist him when he needed them. We must be willing to cut people off our “brother in arms” list. Or at the very least unfriend them on social media.

It’s all about love and discernment. Love will allow you to care about and pray for everyone. Discernment will help you do so effectively, bringing glory to God.

Be a blessing to someone today!