Do Good…

Galatians 6:10

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. ”

When you don’t know what to do, do good. It’s a simple solution to the most common issues we face. It’s a simple as a thought “what is good and right in this situation” then do it.

Doing good does not always seems or even equal what’s best for you at the moment. But I guarantee that when you do good it will work out for your good eventually (see Romans 8:28).

Go out and be a blessing to someone!

Don’t Get It Twisted…

Galatians 6:1-2

“1. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

2. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

We need one another.

There are times when you are strong and doing well. You are productive doing what God gave you to do, and doing it well. Then, out of nowhere it seems, comes a bump in the road that throws you off your game. Most of the time we are able to successfully navigate this rough terrain. However, there are times when the terrain is so foreign to us, that we forget who we are, and we fall.

We have ALL been there, and will probably get there again. These are the times when we need the prayers of others to carry us through. We may even need someone to physically come to our rescue. After all, love is an action word. Love will cause you to move out of your comfort zone to be there for a person in need.

In the times that you are strong and doing well, your duty is also to be strength for someone who is weak.

Most of the time we as people are self centered. This is not a put down, it is simply a true statement. We are concerned about our “circle” of friends and loved ones. We concentrate on this core group of people almost exclusively. If all is well within our circle we don’t look any farther. But we are more than this narrow focus.

Don’t get it twisted, God requires more from us.

God is omnipresent. He desires to stretch us beyond our “circle” and enlarge our territory to cover more. We are built to stretch without breaking. We are built to bear the burdens of others. We just have to be willing to be stretched.

Know that you will also reach a point where you need others to bear your burdens for a time too. This is a part of the stretching process. You have to learn how to”feel” the cares of the people you will pour into (minister). God teaches this to us by allowing us to experience times of weakness.

Don’t get it twisted. Understand that weakness does NOT mean failing. It simply means you faced the temptation and made it through. We do not give into temptation as a rule because God always provides a way of escape. Successfully navigating this is a part of your stretching process.

Be there for someone who needs you. It maybe messy, but this is the life of a servant. We serve God by serving his people.

Never Too Much

Galatians 5:22-23

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. ”

We live in a time of over indulgence. People want what they want. And the want it right now!

However, in most of these instances their over indulgence lead to negative consequences. We gain weight, hurt people (or ourselves), we suffer loss, get sick, etc.

But with the fruit of the spirit you can over indulge to your hearts content. The more you have, the more you are able to share. Blessings upon blessings just waiting to be unleashed.

You can NEVER have too much!

The best thing about the fruit of the Spirit – not only do they bless you and improve your daily life, but every one around you is blessed too. The blessings will flow from you to them.

Live strong, and be blessed. Accept and operate in the fruit that God has for his children. Indulge in them as much as you like. Then get more. You can always use it. The people around you are depending on you to be that light. That beacon in a dark land showing the love of Christ. You can never have too much.

Fruit of the Spirit – Self Control

You cannot control people, what they do, or how they think.

What you can control is your reaction to them. Don’t ever allow a person’s actions distract you from being who you are.

Be who God made you to be. Accomplish what God has called you to. You have work to do. Don’t allow the enemy’s tricks to stop you.

Walk in the Spirit and exercise self control!