Bless Us, God

Psalms 67:7

“God shall bless us;

and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. ”

My prayer of Thanksgiving on this evening is this:

Thank you God for the multitude of blessings you have poured on us. So much so that people stand in wonder on how we made it through. But the truth of the matter is you God were behind the scene orchestrating every thing so you would receive the glory.

Thank you for keeping us even when we did not understand what was going on. Thank you for separating us from people and influences that would have distracted us while we were going through.

Thank you God for bringing us through the other side. We are not only closer to you, we are also stronger. You alone are worthy of my praise.

It is a blessing to share the testimony you given us!

What about you?

What have you been through?

Are you stronger for having gone through?

People will never understand everything about you, but they definitely see God’s hand on you.

God’s blessings on you are apparent to all. Share your testimony as God directs you. The people will have no choice but acknowledge our God, and fear (reverence and respect) the only God who works true wonders.

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