Get Over Yourself

Many people spend more time lamenting over what they would like to happen in their lives rather than taking the necessary steps to facilitate the required change.

Many people have a partial vision, but lack direction. Instead of seeking the dream giver concerning the dream, they stand still and passively wait. Many forget we serve a God who told us to diligently seek him, to pray without ceasing, to ask (and ye shall receive), to seek (and ye shall find), and to knock (the door shall be opened unto you).

God gave you the dream or vision, with the understanding that you would seek him concerning it. That you would add some works to your faith, and make a step forward toward fulfilling your dream or destiny.

What God did not intend is for your to be so scared to move, or so faithless to seek him. Then have the nerve to sit there and complain about people who are moving, wondering when your time is coming.

It’s time to get over yourself, wake up and go after God.

The words of the song is true, ‘what God has for me, it is for me’. No one can take it away, but you can certainly give it up or relinquish it.

By staying where you are, you are operating in fear. You are afraid to move forward, but also afraid to stay where you are. Afraid to see people move forward, passing you by. Understand that fear is not of God. God cannot use a coward soldier.

Get over yourself. God gave you the dream or vision because he sees something in you that you have yet to see in yourself. If God trusted you enough to give you the dream, you need to trust him enough to prepare you and to bring it to pass. This mature attitude comes through seeking him.

Through the process of seeking him in prayer, Bible study, praise and worship, we build relationship with God. We get to know him, and are able to hear his voice clearly. God is able to drop direction and encouragement in your spirit, allowing his word to be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your pathway. Thereby illuminating the way you need to go.

Nothing is gained by you continually to ignore God.

However, if you choose to continue to ignore him, then you must also choose to stop complaining about when he is going to bring your dream or vision to pass. Get over yourself. God did his part, now you must do yours (or forever hold your peace).

Get over yourself and seek God. Believe me, if/when you do, you will find success.

Be blessed.

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