I Won’t Go Back

Today, the lyrics to that William McDowell song is going through my spirit

I remember the things that God spoke to me years ago. It was a warning of sorts. Instead of heeding to the warning, I watched while it happened. However, the words that God spoke to me were forever alive in my spirit. Now, I am working on obeying what God said. And I can see all of the progress that I have made.

As in everything, of course the enemy came to test my faith. I noticed myself slipping into old habits (just a little). Then the word of God came back to me, and I realized. I don’t want the things that I used to. I don’t want ( nor am I really tempted) to go back to that old me. I can’t testify – I have been changed.

Philippians 3:13-14

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. ”

Luke 9:62

“And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. ”

An important lesson for every believer to learn it to NOT look back. Don’t look back at your past failures, the wrong you have done, the mistakes you have made. Sometimes it is not good to even look back at your past successes. Looking back at your past will cause you to fall in your present. Once you have repented and God has forgiven you, let the past go and move on. If you need to get things right with people, do that and move on.

It is important to elevate your mind, and change your old perspective. For it is hard to move to new ground with old thinking patterns. That is what caused my transgression into old behaviors.

God is good, because he allowed me to recognize where I was headed way before I even got there. God promised he would provide a way of escape with every temptation. Our job is to recognize the escape route and take it.

I thank God for this song, for I have determined that I won’t go back to what God has delivered me from. My prayer is the same for anyone who reads this. Don’t give up before you get to where God is trying to take you. Stay the course. If it is too hard to push, stand still and watch God move it. Just don’t give up, don’t go back to the way it used to be.

I love you all, be blessed and have a great night.

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