Be Fearless…Make Them Quake

Proverbs 29:25, 27

“25. The fear of man bringeth a snare:

but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.

27. An unjust man is an abomination to the just:

and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked. ”

Definitions: Abomination – to thing that causes disgust or hatred. A feeeling of hatred.

Today many are leary about sharing the truth. Because the world would rather embrace a lie rather than be enlighted truth (the word of God). They can be violently vocal about opposing all that is good, moral, godly. This has causes many to hold back on letting the light shine through them.

But be encouraged and know that if/when you put your trust in God, you are safe. He covers, hides, and protects those that refuse to give in to fear. Trust in God makes it possible for the believer to boldly do/say what he has called us to do. When you trust in God, you can accomplish the work.

Just as the believer hates the work of iniquity (wrong doing, sins, transgresstions) in every form. Notice I said the work, not the worker. We love God’s people, because he loves them. We must understand that as we step out on face to do the work/will of God, we will be hated by the unjust and wicked as well.

But we must always be motivated by the love of God, and show this love at all times. We don’t seek to hurt or wound God’s people. This only causes them to avoid every appearance of God, and godly things/ activities. But must give the truth at all times, in love. The bible says ” with loving kindness have I drawn them…” When we operate in love, people are automatically drawn back to God.

Be fearless, make the unjust, and ungodly quake. God has your back and will keep you safe!!

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