If I don’t Press, I won’t be Blessed

Mark 5:25-29
Luke 8:19-21

Press – to move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force. To apply pressure to something. 

2 Types of press – soft and hard.

Stop giving a God a soft press. The hard press contains determination, desperation, urgency, and consistency to reach Jesus. Let your faith Touch Jesus.

Steps to success:

1. Figure out what you are pressing God for.

2. What type of press are you giving (hard or soft).

3. Have a Game Plan or plan of action (instructions).

4. Tell God why you are pressing him.

5. Praise God for the victory.

Saturday Praise -“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

Check your foundation, make sure your are standing on the Word of God.

No matter what you are facing, or what you are currently going through in your life. There is a word from God to sustain and strengthen you. Hide it in your heart, speak it out of your mouth. Don’t allow any person, place or thing steal or diminish the truth and power of the word of God in your life.

You must guard it. Keep your own secrets from people, tell God instead, and watch him move on your behalf. 

Many times we tell people our dreams and vision and allow their doubt, and lack of faith steal from us the things that God has promised. We need to learn, as the scriptures said “study to be quiet, and mind your own business” (1 Thessalonians 4:11).

Just because other people refuse to exercise their faith and believe God for what they consider to be the impossible, does not mean you should do the same. Be bold, be strong, for God is with you. God would not have put it in your spirit if it was not his intention to perform it for you.

Go forth and conquer, accomplish, and succeed. Be that living epistle (2 Corinthians 3:3), let the move of God in your life be a witness and encouragement to everyone else. Let the world see the power of God in action through your life.

God Is Faithfully In Control

My Testimony…

Jeremiah 1:12
Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

Just the other day the Lord challenged me to change my perspective.  How I chose to view things that occur in my life is totally up to me.

Unexpectedly, I was given the opportunity to put this into practice.

God is so good. He has also been showing me little steps to improve the way I do things, and make better choices. What I did not recognize at the time was that God was preparing me. These little steps were catalysts in disguise designed to make me change the way I operate.

I now find myself in a position poised for success. When just a few months ago I would have been in a tizzy, wondering what I was going to do.

Now I am encouraged to continue to trust God, and walk in obedience. 

What is Your Perspective?

It’s All About Perspective.

Ephesians 3:1 “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles,”
One definition of Prisoner is: a person who is or feels confined or trapped by a situation or set of circumstances.
Other definitions are: a person legally held in prison as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial.
Or a person captured and kept confined by an enemy, opponent, or criminal.

It is 100% your choice to view every situation as a positive or negative. However, your choice will cause you to either speak life or death out of your mouth. Your world is created by the words you speak, and it all starts or proceeds out of your heart (mind). 
If your perspective is negative, you will speak negatively and create situations destined for defeat. If your perspective is positive, you will speak positively and create situations which breed success.
Look at Paul, he acknowledged that he was a prisoner of Jesus. Bound to do his will, and will to suffer whatever was necessary for the benefit of the people he was called to minister to. Paul chose to think positively about being a prisoner of Jesus. He was confined, constrained to do the will of God. But Paul understood, it was not a negative situation because Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and ye shall find rest unto your soul (Matthew 11:28-30).
When most of hear the word Prisoner, we can think of no positive connotation. But here Paul challenged us to change the way we think. In Romans 8:28 , we see that ALL things work together for our good. All includes both the bad and good, both the happy and sad, or the for better or worse times. 
We must understand bad, sad, and worse times do occur in our lives from time to time. Change your perspective, and speak life. Create the situation for success. Stop speaking death (defeat and failure).
It’s all up to you. As they say, it’s your world, choose how you wish to live. Be blessed my friends.