Power Is In Your Mouth

Use it to speak the Word…

Definitions: Salvation – preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.
                      Save – keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger.

Romans 10: 8-11
“8. But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
11. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
12. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.”

The words of life is in your mouth. What you speak is what you create in your world.
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (or the word of God. See St. John chapter 1). Believe in your heart, the power of the word (the power of the cross), thou shall be rescued from harm, danger, ruin, or loss.
Whatever is in your heart, will come out of your mouth. When faith comes out your mouth, your world is created.
We have confidence in our savior, and know we have the petitions we desired.

It truly is your world (life). Speak life, not death over it. Speak success, speak love, speak patience, speak abundance. What you say matters, because it portrays what is in your heart. Ultimately, you will have what you say.

Blessings to you.