Foolish or Wise?

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – Jesus provides the blueprints to build a successful life. Every believer must use these blueprints. The results will be our “dream house” if you will. A life that can be seen as successful in every aspect. 

Matthew 5 – 7 

The Beatitudes provide us with the appropriate perspective or attitude each believer should possess.  The proper perspective or attitude will determine how we approach and handle every situation life can throw at us. 

We are encouraged not to do things to be seen of men. Rather to seek to glorify God. We are given an outline for prayer. Yes, we need a strong prayer life. It is our foundation – communication with God.  

We are encouraged to store up treasure in heaven rather than here on earth. Wherever our treasure, our heart is there too.  

We are to know that God will supply our every need, we just need to trust him to do so. We are to simply seek him first, everything else will be added to us.  

We are not to judge others. We are to love everyone and show them the love of Christ. God will do the rest. We are supposed to preach the word. God’s word is strong enough to convict the heart and correct behavior. We are to examine ourselves to make sure we are clean. Only then can we see clearly to help our brother. 

We are encouraged to ask, seek, and knock. God is waiting to work on our behalf. We must always operate in and by faith. We are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. 

We are to seek the straight narrow gate, and avoid the wide broad gate. One leads to life, the other to death. We cannot follow the crowd, must must go the way God leads. Once we find this straight path, we must stay on it.  

We are to beware of false prophets. They are wolves is sheep’s clothing. We are told to recognize them by their fruit. Evil cannot produce good, neither can good produce evil. Our responsibility is to watch, pray, and measure everything by the word of God. We are not to be deceived. If we are, it is our own fault.  

We are to avoid the Judas Syndrome. We need to know God, and be known of him. We must have a real relationship with God, an inner court relationship. Otherwise, we can have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. This will lead us to act not like the child we should be, but rather a bastard, and not a son. 

We are warned he that hears and does these sayings of Jesus are wise as a man who has built his house on a sure foundation that could withstand the storms of life. However, if we do not do these sayings, in our disobedience we are as the foolish man who built his house on sand. When life’s storms came, the house fell. It was a great fall. 

We must understand when the word is revealed to us, we are bound by it. It is still our choice whether to obey or not. But choosing not to does not provide excuse, our fall will be great. There is a responsibility of faith. When light comes, darkness is dispelled. Choosing darkness, does not constitute ignorance, it is a conscious decision for which we will be held accountable. 

Let us be wise, and not foolish. 

The Judas Symdrome

Matthew 7:21-23

“21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 

22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Judas was one of the original disciples chosen by Jesus. Judas was taught at the feet of Jesus, and walked with him daily, just as the other disciples. Judas was sent out by Jesus, along with the other disciples to minister. Judas was given a position of importance, keeper of money. But his heart was never truly given over to Jesus. This is The Judas Symdrom. Goodly work with a touch of corruption. 

Sadly this is the “church” much of the world sees today – goodly works with a touch of corruption. There were a total of 12 original disciples, eleven who truely loved Jesus, and sought to do his will. Yet the Judas Syndrome seems to draw notoriety. People are drawn to it. However, this syndrome is to be avoided at all costs. The end of this road is destruction. 

Jesus was very aware of this syndrome. He even provided the world with a warning, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. However, much of the world still refuses to heed this warning. 

There is a real responsibly to being a follow of Jesus. We must watch and pray. We need to guard ourselves against being prey to this syndrome in any way. That includes being the person who has the syndrome. This syndrome is an infection, and the only cure is a real, intimate, “knowing” relationship with Jesus. There is a difference between doing wonderful works in Jesus’ name, yielding yourself to be used by him, versus having a real relationship with him, and doing his will. It is the duty of the believer to know the difference, to recognize the wolf from the sheep, and make sure he or she remain a sheep. Avoid the Judas Symdrome at all costs.

Destruction or Life

Matthew 7:13-14
Life is all about choices. Weather we choose well or poorly, we are still making a choice and must live with the consequences. However, God is still faithful. It is his will that all be saved. God provides us with warnings designed to encourage us to make the good, the better, and the best choices. Such a warning is found in here Matthew.

“…wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:”

Just because this way is crowded, or the popular choice, is no reason to choose to continue moving towards destruction. There is another way, look for it, you will find it.

“…strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Be counted amoung those that find the way that leads to life. Make the good, the better, and the best choice. Choose life over destruction. Choose prosperity over lack, choose love over hate. Look for the strait gate, walk through it, and stay on the path that God has chosen for your life. It is your kind of success.