Learning to Trust God…AWork in Progress

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Contrary to popular opinion, trusting God is a learned skill that must be practiced over and over. Why? Because it has to become second nature to us. An automatic behavior to the believer. 

It is not easy. We are constantly fighting against our nature – to do what we know to do to succeed.

Trusting God requires us to take the back seat. To deny our flesh, and put God first -“Nevertheless, Thy will be done.” Trusting God enough to patiently wait on him to do what he said, and be who he said he would be to us. 

In our practicing, there will be times when we fail. Repent, and forgive yourself. Get up, dust yourself off, and keep it moving. Next time, succeed. 

We can prepare be starting on smaller easier situations. So when the larger tougher situations arise, we have experience in trusting God. We can draw on those experiences for strength. 

In 2017, the ability to trust God is imperative. Many are feeling uncertain about the future. Trusting God, and standing on the word is the only sure foundation. We walk by faith and not by sight. We don’t sink into fear, we trust God.

The only true failure is to never learn how to trust God.

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