Just a word of encouragement…

We are mid way through the first month of the year, and many have had trouble sticking with changes (I refuse to say New Years Resolutions) they want to make.

DON’T GIVE UP!!   Keep plugging away, stick to your plan/time table. It is said that after 21 days of doing something over and over, it becomes a habit.

It is okay to start over again if you have messed up already. Begin again, practice your new behavior everyday, it will eventually become a habit and you will have successfully made a change. 

This is a year of new beginnings. Do not get discouraged. If you have messed up already. Forgive yourself, repent to God, and begin again. Real change takes practice. That means you will mess up from time to time, just don’t stay there. REFUSE to settle for the same ole, same ole. Go after (with all you’ve got) the things that God has for you. Do not let the devil steel your victory or your future. 

I John 4:4

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Be encouraged, God has your back. However, you must trust him enough to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
*** I hope this post has encouraged your heart, and blessed your soul. I look forward to hearing from you. Your comments are welcomed. God bless. 

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